Salt sprinkles around the house in rainy days, neighbors whispered their charges but when they saw results everyone was surprised

You may have used salt in many different jobs, but very few people think of sprinkling salt around the house. It may sound strange, but in fact, sprinkling salt around the house has many benefits that you can't expect. In particular, this approach is extremely effective in rainy days - the day when ants and termites seek shelter from flooded water.

How to do it is simple, first choose to buy salts sold by kilograms to save more costs, then, you just need to find the path of ants and sprinkle salt on it. When salt is encountered, ants will falter, turn and not enter the house anymore. You can also proactively preclude it by sprinkling salt around your house or at the sill to make it impossible for ants to enter.

Also according to feng shui, salt is capable of absorbing negative energy, bringing a positive and pure energy source for people as well as for living space. So the way to expel ants and termites, sprinkling salt in the house, especially in corners and in the room and sweeping away when we move to a new home, can help absorb the bad energy that remains in the house from Before, help the air to be purified and purer.

In addition, you can refer to some tips with salt in the article below:

Salt is easy to clean up dirty eggs:

The egg broken down on the floor is very difficult to clean. To clean the area of ​​broken eggs, sprinkle some salt on it, about 10-15 minutes later, wipe the area with a kitchen towel, so it can be easily cleaned.

Salt can put out fire in oil pan:

When cooking, oil pan is caught on fire, if there is no fire extinguisher next to it, then you can throw it into a fiery pan with some salt then the fire will turn off. Absolutely not use water to cure fire in a pan.

Salt easily cleans the flames of the bottom of the pot:

When cooking, the flames sticking to the bottom of the pot are difficult to clean; You just need to sprinkle it in a little salt pot, soak it in a little water, leave it there for about 10 minutes, the plaque will automatically flake off, then you just need to clean it, it will be clean.
