Sautéed succulent beef tips properly

Choose delicious beef

Delicious beef to choose first, you need to pay attention to the color of meat. Purchase fresh beef, do not select the kind of dark red. Beef tallow and yellow grease doesn't grab hard soft.

When purchasing please look at the meat fibers. Select the type of cattle have small fibers, soft, not the steam to grain purchase.

Get fingertip pressed the flesh see not sticky, smell no unusual odor, unpleasant.

Marinated meat

Select the type of cattle have small fibers, soft, not the steam to grain purchase.

Cut horizontally to the meat tough and quick cooking non nine over. Want real thin slices then cut to pieces of meat in the freezer for the meat slightly curdled, large and sharp knife to cut.

With fresh meat, then simply marinated with a little seasoning, sauce or want to add garlic, pepper was also very tasty. Marinated beef FRY need to add 1 tablespoon cooking oil and then to about 30 minutes, the piece of meat will be very tender and tasty (depending on the amount of meat more or less which increases the amount of cooking oil to match).

Should not use more sauce and salt for beef because the spices will do the beef melted water should dry out and harden. You have to fry the meat should be cooked long dai.

If the purchase order to beef not be soft or slightly thick slice to fry then add a little pineapple juice marinade or plastic green papaya. Limit use to soften the meat when cooking these types have made is not clear.


Turn to fire but not so to the Pan too hot will do the meat being cooked too thoroughly, no longer soft anymore. When FRY quickly hand and soup at Kiem, the fire immediately, fry the meat soft but also no long dai.

If the buy is beef, fried soak in water before blending a little sodium carbonate (NANCO3) a few minutes, then remove to drain then FRY the meat, will back up software and more delicious.=
