Selecting delicious guava, sweet, crispy aromatic, nutrition

Guava fruit is a nutritious fruit, is a source of vitamins A and C, most of the vitamins in meat, thin crust on the outside.

Guava can be eaten raw, into ice cream or beverage. Guava is a source of vitamin C for skin healing. In guava guava has weight đào especially lycopen more than 26% tomatoes, can reduce the risk of heart disease. Guava is very helpful for the digestive system.

Selecting delicious guava, sweet, crispy aromatic, nutrition.

Guava fruit or guava leaf decoction is very beneficial in the treatment of coughs, colds, imitation and has the effect of "cleaning up" the respiratory system.

The meat of the guava fruit contains a lot of vitamins and iron, which have the effect of preventing colds and other viral infections; help improve the structure of the skin and prevents skin diseases better than any kind of cosmetics would thanks to the astringent properties of guava fruit and guava leaves.

Guava has the ability to fight obesity, get you waist thon worth dreaming. Because guava good for cardiovascular system, making blood circulation better, you will also own a healthy skin, pinky, at the same time help the skin against the harmful effects of the Sun.

Guava fruit contains the highest nutritional source, guava fruit is not the very characteristic that scented flavors of guava sweet, while giving the user the feeling of delight and impress. Guava fruit were preferred in the world and especially in Vietnam left guava be grown everywhere.

Delicious guava.

Selecting delicious guava

To choose delicious guava fruit, should choose the left has a small stem, skin looks fat membrane tension, touch slightly lumpy rather than smooth eat Crunchy and sweet than will.

To choose to be delicious, gloves need to choose guava guava has the frilled casing, hard, whitish, eat the tasty sweet medium medium assurance.

Note that should not buy Camara after the rainy day because rain is acidic then guava.=
