Spend 5 minutes applying this to the chest before going to bed, the breasts will be smooth and round after only one month

Formula 1: Apple and fresh milk


- 2 apples.

- 3 tablespoons fresh milk.

- Blender, bowl and spoon.


- Apple washed, peeled and cut into small pieces into a blender.

- Add 3 tbsp of fresh milk to the blender and blend until ingredients are combined.

- Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl to be used.

Apples and fresh milk contain many nutrients that are good for the skin. Using two materials to massage will promote breast development fastest and the skin of the "double mountain" is always smooth and smooth to prevent sagging.

Recipe 2: Potatoes + honey + whey + vegetable oil


- 1 potato.

- 1 tablespoon pure honey.

- 1 tablespoon whey

- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (such as coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil .).


- Potatoes are washed, put into a pot to boil. Peel the potatoes, then in a bowl and grind finely.

- Add remaining ingredients into the potato bowl. Mix with a spoon to form a homogeneous mixture.

Potatoes rich in vitamins B1, B2, C and the necessary nutrients help to increase size quickly. Honey supports the firm, smooth, and white round 1 adipose tissue. Whey and vegetable oils help to nourish the skin, while adding fat contributes to the growth of the breasts.

How to use the 2 formulas above:

- First, wash with warm water to remove dirt, dead cells and help pores dilate and blood vessels better circulation.

- Take the prepared mixture and rub it on the chest, using your fingers to gently massage clockwise. Thus the nutrients in the mixture will penetrate deeply into the skin cells.

- Leave this mixture on your skin for about 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

The massage with the above formulas helps the blood circulation better, nourishes the skin white, pink and stimulates the growth of the first round. Perform this formula 1-2 times / week, you will see receive See unexpected results.

In addition, you can add some foods that are beneficial for increasing the size of the first round. Because the main structure of the first round is fat tissue, a reasonable diet can help breast size to grow. You can apply the dishes for the following round 1:

Chicken eggs + honey:

- 1 chicken egg (chicken eggs are better)

- 1 teaspoon honey (may add or remove depending on the sweetness)

- Mix well in a cup, steam the water, eat during the day.

Green papaya:

- ¼ to ½ peeled green papaya, be careful not to peel too thick and you will lose the plastic that has a halo increase.

- Steam with a little salt, eat during the day.
