The secret to choosing good butter standard goods not to worry about being broken

How to choose delicious butter

First, you just need to peel off the stalk, look at if the inside is green, it's a young butter. In addition, if you see a dark brown color, the overcooked avocado will not taste good, will be stale and smell like alcohol, but the butter should not be chosen. But if you see the inside is a bit yellow, you have to buy it right away when it has just finished.

Look at the stalk of butter

When shopping for a delicious avocado, remember that the avocados have a big stalk, are fresh and are joined with a large portion of meat, usually a small but immature avocado.

Look at the avocado peel

If the stalk is wilted, shriveled and dry, the larger part of the meat will mean that the avocado is cooked, so you should choose this type of butter, which is rich in nut meat and fatty butter.

Look at the avocado peel

When choosing avocado you should look at the avocado peel, when the avocado with green spots dotted with yellow dots has a higher percentage of waxy butter, the meat is softer and fattier than the yellow butter butter, the yellow flesh is more sticky. When you see the pink-brown avocado there are more than one should not choose. When choosing old wax butter skin often stretch ball, holding hands heavy, not creaking, shaking can hear the sound of shaking inside.

How to choose avocado look stalk

Look at the shape

When choosing avocado, choose a long avocado that is usually full of meat, smaller than a round nut but more fibrous than a round avocado because the round nut is smaller with less meat. But sometimes, depending on the avocado variety, the amount of fat is different, but the appearance of the butter cannot determine the quality of the butter inside.
