The things the great cavalry charge in Feng Shui a kitchen you should know

The things the great cavalry charge in the kitchen: Feng Shui

1. Avoid placing the kitchen opposite the doors: Because the direction of the kitchen is the direction from the kitchen overlooks the mouth (rather than computer direction of cook stove) should also need to preserve the bright, airy and well-being like the view direction before the door. Kitchen mouth that looked straight out of the door (front or back), the dusty conduction airflow will impact directly on, the wind blew the fire, whose Cook turns away from the officer's door. Folk call a kitchen set is so "khai Phu Tai, maximum post-harvest Apple comments hao", or the more concise: exposing the Apple password!

2. Avoid direct hydraulic pulse equipment stove-fire: according to the engraved marble hydro should avoid the kitchen fire, set too close to the water, sink or toilet. Water systems (pipes, hot water, tunnels, manholes, ...) if above stove top, on the side or just below the kitchen countertops are also causing the inadequacies when in use, when repairs to the affected activities.

According to the engraved marble hydro should avoid the kitchen fire, set too close to the water, sink or toilet.

3. Avoid collision impact and the Privy Council: the kitchen should also avoid side or to the mouth of stove to avoid looking straight into the toilet door, feed the animals (many UE Privy Council) as well as the floor, washing machine water (Hydro carved fire) even avoid both the garage again (easily cause fire and dust, the smell of gasoline). So check back lines of kitchen activities from washing to processing, and then cook and compose view there smoothly isn't. If the latest kitchen juxtaposed families go out to often also very easily cause collisions, entanglement when cooking and dangerous if there are small children.

4. Feng Shui also facultatively put to bed or the place of living right on the spot cooking: For the upper floor kitchen is by hanging up the wood to avoid walking, living above the "kitchen" below, at the same time stove heat emanate from adversely affecting the health of people above. Of course the good bad in the Interior also depends on the form and build quality of the kitchen as well as the related space. If the kitchen has high facilities, sure, the right standards, and also other areas clean, discreet, then will the mutual influence.

According to Feng Shui, the chefs have to avoid wind, avoid places with route if no owner will disadvantage about loc. The stove should be placed in the bow and a matching paint home (the face of the House) should not be placed in a position in the top of the House. The door to the kitchen, where the chef corresponds to your loc of the home, the family prospered.

Space, color and material:

Don't turn around on the roof of the warehouse make kitchen cabinets because it would be very messy and inconvenient when search engines as well as objects prone to falling down. If an area of narrow, you can save space in the range and sink, but need to ensure wide enough for the cooking place, created about the necessary precautions when playing back the fire. Food combinations are always in the kitchen, then the best is between the kitchen and the dining table should have a low Cabinet or desk surface to prevent the bar style, cum pretty handy editor spot.

Color in the kitchen or the preferred color of wood (Jupiter), dark red (fire) or yellow (Saturn). 

Color in the kitchen or the preferred color of wood (Jupiter), dark red (fire) or yellow (Saturn). Modern kitchen cabinets are usually made of wood or stainless steel face combine fire stone, ceramic, resin ... But either the material or the surface sắcgì color table and kitchen cabinets should only be smooth and the ball just right, reducing the glitzy details and avoid doing much of the difficult holes slots for cleaning.

How to calculate materials and colors according to the marble should note the very principles of dialectic in the universe is "more compensated less, reduce redundancy, lack of increase", or in other words is not so liberal a would excessively. Vốnt kitchen fire for Taipei, many hot, if continued to use the same color born then fire it too, which can add black or blue (marine) to reduce processing engraving. White kitchen cabinets (kim) is also quite popular recently due to its clean and bright, of course, need attention and avoid heat resistant stain due to slightly grease during cooking.

Falling sand increases: Hungary

The modern kitchen design is increasingly reducing the adverse impact of the cooking process to merge into the surrounding space, and put on the stove much more convenient comfort. For town houses or cottages, kitchens or be put behind, near wells or the backyard to more convenient for cooking as well as get rid of smoke smell good.

But the apartments or small houses or put kitchen section near the entrance, but has the advantage of taking the lighting ventilation area outside the living room window, balcony, bedroom, but the downside medium into the met right kitchen, synonymous with the possibility of ventilation-natural lighting to this area often gets less.

Can be overcome by the layout of forced ventilation for kitchen into technical boxes, and cell wall processor (sliding doors, folding) to when cooking many that can separate the kitchen section with outer space. Using a mobile or multifunction cabinets wall also helps shield the vision when the guests into the home, create a buffer with the small houses.=
