The tip or avoid certain stealth you must know

1. Craft winning robbery violence

The years, crime robbery tend to fight over. The cause of the judgment focused on the number of adolescents aged 16-30, no stable job, often gathered dudes, use of stimulants (beer, alcohol, drugs ...) and of gambling, betting , playing football. The rate of re-offending had criminal convictions, the money is quite high. Worrying is the situation of students, student, even public servants, teachers also go cause.

The bandits often stutters structure together, formed the Group drive has tape from 2 or more names.

The bandits often stutters structure together, formed the Group drive has tape from 2 or more names. They often have assigned specific tasks for each name in the group, such as specialized driver name (bo), professional name of sitting back to stealing and blocking duty name when being chased.

There are cases, we share, create incidents to woman reveal loopholes or disperse the attention asset protection to facilitate partner out of hand ...

There are gangs specialized child assignment back go "toothpick" beam in the places such as banks, gold shop, ATM. crime common method is to use motorcycle "walk" on the route to observe. When seeing someone bring compact property, high-value and easy consumption (such as mobile phones , cameras, jewelry, handbags, gold, cash, ...), or people who have just traded in a gold shop, Bank, ATM tree comes out, they organize perched.

To convenient locations (such as the open road or have much turn for escape forward, uncrowded ...), they immediately increased the target to pressure station robbery money packaging bag, gold and then escape. If being in the Chase, who runs the car behind will do the task stop, making it difficult for people to pursue. Recently, appears the trick bandits jerks the car early hinder victims, or staged car crash to guard them, and then they rise up from the back, hit the victim to pickpockets or robbery map hanging on the car.

There are cases, of them by car, taxi has just the field of money from the Bank. To the byline, they secretly sprayed nails front wheel, then notify the driver know the car was soy sauce cake, taking advantage of the down at the driver test or repair, they steal money or stealing people sit in the car and then escape. The psychology of crime robbery very excited, fierce, despite all the danger to life and health of other people, as long as the pirates were property. While being chased, ready to use gas to bring the abuser. Media Tools cause projects mainly high speed motorcycle type, wearing pseudo number plates big block segment, covering the sea or sea; can also wear the sea of truth, but of other cars. Almost any stealth name "stalker map" (knives, swords, tools support ...) in person.

How to avoid

So what to do to not become "tasty bait" robbery?

The best preventative way remains the vigilance of every person. Need to be proactive not to ourselves falls into dangerous situations, should not create loopholes to the bandits shock out of hand. At the same time, to "prevent soon" by the data from the previous ways of coping if robbed.

The best way when out on the street is that don't flaunt the precious assets, limited wear jewellery when out on the street. If wearing a hood, you should wear a long sleeve shirt, Sun stock closed ... bosses out to obscure. Should not carry more expensive parties, unless really necessary.

Then, keep the money, the property in the trunk (if available) or forced into the car carefully ligament. Note, before taking off the map in the trunk or removed, to look around, because they're robbery often choose this moment to cause. If the bag to small to moderate, not the trunk, then it is best to wear a backpack, Briefcase, laptop bag ... forward belly, or hanging in bags tied the three-car train station (between the thighs), carefully through wire stock Riding Hood of the car, to avoid being slit the bag if worn on his back. Bag straps should select types to a, be sure to abandon bandits so enraged.

2. Loss of map being "hypnosis"

The last time, not least the student was the victim of "hypnosis" now his motel room. Nguyễn Diệu (students of Hanoi Pedagogical University) has just feet wet foot drain up the city has vendetta right crooks. Draft recounts, when sitting in the room who came knocking on the door and claimed the airline's marketing officer A.W. cosmetics Workshop also buy its products once should not doubt much when listening to introduce products.

Continue with "pie" she ad staff if investing a valuable product for the company, the seminar will have a lucky draw chance double products of his value investing at start-up. In the room at that Workshop has the computer desktop is the most value but do not understand reason Workshop run to room next to borrow the laptop and give the staff cosmetic, not hesitation.

Just as long as the other strangers until 10 minutes, new absurd person because know that you fooled. Workshop said: "I don't remember his famous give people how, when her sister called neighbors have taken a laptop you know crash and gown the traps. After that time, I have to go make more money buying your array of repayment ".

Well like Draft, Le Thi Huong (last year students of Hanoi University of culture) also be crooks hypnosis retrieved the camera and bike right in the motel room. Pretending to be the person to ask for accommodation and would Incense cup water momentarily she had "voluntarily" take your car and for the stranger. When your roommate about asking new car startled because the dream has just happened.

Nguyen TRA My (Pedagogical University student technology) while standing waiting for you at the crossroads in Hung yen, then met a woman thanks to My open lock key in your mobile phone. Think are normal bus should My not hesitate and accept help.

After a talk, she quietly put the student computer cases for woman without knowing that he is suffering from the other user to Zhao. When the bus approached, people pour xôlên the car, My startled new "province" thìđồ has disappeared.

Workshop, incense, My well is just 3 of the many service being hypnosis trick property. The last time, there are many service victim was student police agencies report that they were strangers hypnosis to lose assets, money that doesn't explain it.  After just a few minutes away the guys take new victims really shocked because things just happened to her.

3. Note with the robber with the guise "jealous"

Currently there are groups of bandits specializing in rubric "jealous" to rob the (victims are women). They usually come in a group of people who have both male and female is very aggressive (carry all the tools is like acid water bottles, scissors, razor ...). The bandits took place very sophisticated, close both the role of "husband" as "the wife" so sweet, so many women "Sage wisdom" became "prey" of them.

Currently there are groups of bandits specializing in rubric "jealous" to rob the (victims are women).

Therefore, when experiencing this situation, victims are not frail, scared and crying is going to hit the traps of this Bandit and the woman will not be of any assistance to you because "your form at this time being beaten real jealousy".

Thus, when plunged into this scene, victims should be nimble, calm and large coral: "Rob tri! Rob!--to rob the jealousy hit! Save me ... Call the police! Call the police ", and then just run to the medium coral Eastern voters who ask for help. (I saw a woman has succeeded with this way).

If people take the road not yet aware of the incident, you should call the police to the area thanks to the resolution. You also don't forget quickly retrieved the phone to call relatives say you are experiencing distress where. To fast and essential Italy if not the phone into the hands of "jealousy".

Bandits "jealousy" when heard the police slightly, or your relatives are to run concur or apologize for mistaken jealousy hit. When found you too Spry deal, they will know you are a "real tough prey".

Also if we are the people (not the victim) should we help those victimized by the same crowd, the search in General. When a voice, the crowd will is power.

The majority of free yourself afraid, afraid of the implications or afraid no one would bring supporters. But the fact we're curious, curious, is "very interested in other people's stories" just you strongly urged people will help you. Pros cons of we is!

4. "the scroll" to avoid robbery handbags

Carrying shoulder bags are prone to robbery, carry only essential do's and Don'ts to which map value. When in distress, go to your "go", avoiding the fight can fall dangerously.

When in distress, go to your "go", avoiding the fight can fall dangerously.

Robbery victims bags are always a threat and may even be dangerous to life, especially in this time of year. There are several ways to avoid this accident:

1. Compact bag, size is optimal for

A large bag that has more value items inside and is often the target of robbery. So please consider selecting suitable bags and removing unnecessary items. There is a principle: "handbags as small, as small risk".

2. Just bring the essentials

When buffering bag, victims often can't remember what items are in the bag was lost. If you can remember most of the things are in your bag?

Should limit the maximum carrying important papers in a bag. For foreigners, if possible Please photocopy of passport and passport at home or to hotels.

3. Ready to go instead of the

Computer network and your safety is most important. Although the guys jerk bags are often not intended to injure the victims, but they also cannot control the behavior in the case if you attack to win back bags.

In particular, if the motorcycle is going try to win back buffering handbags can make you falls and crashes. Don't try to make this as it really is dangerous in any case.

4. The bag as the value, the more objects the bandits targeted

Would be very different if you bring a handbag worth 350,000 copper or bags worth 3 million. In addition to the value of the bag, the bag snatching are usually interested in cash, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, laptops or other types of credit card ... in the bag. Probably, of course, the more pockets of value, the object in the bag also really a high-value furniture.

If you wear expensive or luxurious bags, will probably become the object of the guys jerk bags.

5. Bring the shoulder bag, the more dangerous when robbed

In the service, who brought bags of stealth shoulder bags are often injured by falls, especially if you carry the cross through the bag. Put the bag in the trunk of the car or placed between you and the driver while riding a motorcycle.

6. Please observe carefully

Finally, let's observe the people around when you are in a public place or on the way. These guys always follow your bag snatching some time before they act. If observed someone follow you in a period of time, let the person know that you were aware of this risk by looking at them, stop and go into a grocery store or to the nearest traffic police.=
