Tip for washing the Bowl clean grease lightning much magic wand

Grease-filled dish, the egg, milk, Scotch map blender or cutter suction table. .. will clean in a heartbeat if you apply these tips below.

With dishes full of grease, add few spoons of white vinegar to the wash water to reduce the amount of fat accumulation.

With dishes full of grease, add few spoons of white vinegar to the wash water to reduce the amount of fat accumulation and do more shiny utensils.

The grinder is useful but also the widgets the housewife afraid to sew for washing. Let's pour the warm water into the blender and 1/3 for the few drops of water washing on, press the button for the treadmill in about 10 seconds, rinse again with clean water and leave to dry.

To wash the bowls, plates, cups, milk, egg stick of cheese ... first please use cold water, then rinse with hot water. If you use hot water from the top of the "cooked" this food on the surface, making them difficult to scrub.

Besides you can d uniformlemons, by lemon is a really useful fruits. You can draw warm water, wash water and lime juice to wash the dishes. If you can't stand the smell of food in the fridge, let on that a half a lemon, your refrigerator will quickly eliminate smells clean. Don't forget to replace the lemon into each week.

With the plastic containers, add 4 spoons of baking soda to a quart of warm water to remove all grease stain stick in the box, then rinse with water and let dry.

To avoid shattered pottery, glassware when washing, place a soft towel in the bottom of the sink as a cushion to avoid bumps and do them.

Deodorizing the refrigerator, you can use the instrumental washed, dried to help eliminate odors in the refrigerator. If you give to the kitchen than few pieces dried tangerine peel, the smell of coal are also reduced.=
