Tip Select the purchase, storage carrots, potatoes delicious

The carrot is tubers rich in nutrients that increase the body's health. My sister can have many processing carrots food as well as drinks.

Tips to buy carrots

Tip Select the purchase, storage carrots, potatoes.

-When going to the market, you should choose brightly colored carrots, left, straight and slippery.

-If the carrot intact twig should choose fresh leaves from being withered.

-Although the immature carrot or old core in the Middle as small as sweet, these bulbs many twig at the root or the role to core normally thick and pale than will.

-Should not buy the carrot too big, it is often fibrous and without the sweetness. The little carrot usually soft and subdued than, sure and full flavour.

-Avoid picking the tubers were soft, crushed, being too crooked wilt and your wife.

Preservation tips

-The purchase of should not wash and to in the refrigerator by washing carrots will rot quickly.

-Should preserve carrots in a cool place, it may be fresh in 3 weeks.

Store carrots in the refrigerator after cutting off the leaves. To store carrots are long, can pack carrot in fabrics and stored in the cooler compartment.

-Before giving in to the fridge, you should cut off the parts that are green. Can pack carrot into fabrics and stored in the cooler compartment.

-Should not shred the carrots when preserved. Should only be washed and cut before processing them.

-To outdoors carrots will be tender. Once there, you can do harden by dipping into a bowl of ice water.

-Use only in the period from 1-2 weeks, then carrots nutrients intact.

Hope these tips will help the sisters know choice and preserving the best carrots to them fresh longer and inherent nutrients intact.


Selecting delicious potatoes.

The potatoes were growing sprouts or the skin is blue-very toxic if we take for processing into the dish. Because of potato sprouts contain solanine, a type of glyco-alkaloids of bitter and poisonous.

When the potatoes are blue solanine content of news is reaching dangerous levels of risk. So, shouldn't the processing vegetables are green.

When the level increased solanine, it also created a bitter taste for potatoes after cooked. The solanine biosynthesis appears simultaneously but independently of the chlorophyll biosynthesis; This process can take place does not need the other process.

Other than chlorophyll, the formation of solanine don't need light but the light can promote it more quickly. The formation of solanine in potatoes took place on the surface casing, usually no deeper than 3 mm. Peel before processing is how to prevent the risk of causing food poisoning.


-Select the grip paring up seeing heavy, sure hands and heal. The bark is smooth the potato is also good, eat delicious will.

-The potato gold will sweet and aromatic than the slightly reclining white potatoes.

-Should select the tubers are each so will ease the processing according to the purpose of your cooking.

Should avoid

-Avoid picking the tubers skin laxity, squeeze the little software. These are bulbs that have for so long and being withered. The bulbs like to eat will not more nutritious, not sweet.

-Do not check the bulbs have had suffered deep nodules, or dots, black eyes or rot, flowing water.

-The paring fresh but scratched the bark should not be taken as buy the bulbs about if not eaten immediately, while preserving it will rot quickly and spread to the other healthy tubers.

-Do not select these potatoes have more dents, though not pests or broken but very hard to scrape or peel.

Note: do not select the particular bulbs, there are skin turn green or sprouting sprouts because Potatoes grow sprouts very toxic and harmful to health.=
