Tip to cut Thai spicy eyes no longer operating,

Tip to cut Thai spicy no longer operating, the eyes.

Breathe by the mouth

The olfactory nerve is located quite close to the nerves that control the online, when irritated nose, the online Charter will also operate more aggressively. So, let's breathe by mouth instead of by the nose.

Shut up bread

There is a little trick, that is if you suck a slice of bread (or any kind of food) while cutting, you will not be spicy. This tip is derived from the concept is if you do something forced breathing by mouth then nose section will be less irritated and so you will at least be watery eyes.


Spray a little chopped onion cut up fruit-acid in the vinegar will "neutralize" enzymes secreted from eye spicy do onion. However, this can affect the taste of the cooked onion.


The cut, by a real stainless steel knife is embedded across the water before starting the cut will limit significantly the you being spicy. If cutting a lot of onions or a grade a, let's dip the knife into the water regularly.

Turn on the fan

Turn on the fan in the direction facing the afternoon also sit to blow away the droplets released shoot out when cutting onions.

Whistling when cut

The flow of wind created from the whistling will push the gas out of your eyes and spicy.

Cutting onions under the tap

Cutting onions under a faucet is flowing or near where the water vapor feedback or kettle of boiling water. Gas cay in will be sucked into the water.=
