Tip to preserve green onions fresh for longer and not lose quality

Green onions are one of the crops most often present in the kitchen of most Vietnam family. Any dish of stir-fried dishes, from the soup, grilled, steamed dishes ... we all can use green onions.

 Fresh leaves have issued buy much less arbitrary, cuttings, roots washed to drain.

-Fresh Onions leaves buy much less arbitrary, cuttings, roots washed to drain. Finely chopped (like to fry or Cook). For into plastic bags, or plastic boxes and so on the icebox of a refrigerator. When cooking, when nine new food retrieved in luggage bags with just enough energy to the pot, the rest continue to take off in the icebox refrigerator. How this could apply to both the coriander, dill ... are.

 For the Thai group has on plastic bags, or plastic boxes and so on the icebox of a refrigerator.

-Not only with ngò, if wants to keep green fresh lemon all week you just wash the lemons into plastic bags tied to the back and then to the refrigerator.

Olive green onions, all have

Will take about 5 days to a root may grow back in full leaf.

Buy 3-4 green onions branch remain in roots, cut along the normal user, action taken only keep a few immature tops and roots. Then, on a glass containing water (can use the old glass is not used to) and put in place with more light. Just days later, the Executive Branch has been cut the loses vertical section will begin to emerge more verdant. So, just cuts the tops to use and leave the root in a glass of water. Some time later a new litter will have to eat.=
