Tips to help dirty glass clean as new ball in just 1 minute


Vinegar is one of the versatile ingredients, present in every kitchen. You can use vinegar to clean a variety of stains.

To clean the beaker, pour vinegar into the beaker and soak for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

The vinegar not only helps to clean the birthmark but also has the effect of deodorizing the glass, glass cup very effectively.


Without using any kind of toxic cleaning water, a little grain salt can help you clean the entire number of glass cups in the house.

Put a pinch of salt in the cup and then use your hands or a dishwashing brush gently. Then bring the wash cup with warm water.


The citric acid in lemon juice quickly removes stains without leaving scratches on glassware.

Use a slice of lemon and rub into the wall of the cup, then soak for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. The glass is not only clean, but also smells very lemon.

Baking soda

Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply evenly to the inside and outside of the cup. Leave the beaker for 5 minutes and rinse with clean water. All stains on the cup will automatically disappear without the need to scrub.


You put some toothpaste into a glass, dirty glass, scrub with a brush. After that, rinse with clean water is okay.
