Wash rice directly with the inside of the rice cooker - a harmful habit that 99% of housewives have

Washing rice with the inside of a rice cooker has the potential to cause health risks

Many users have a habit of washing rice directly inside the rice cooker and believe that this is a harmless action. However, most current pots have a protective layer design for the inner pot surface to make them safer for users.

So washing rice directly inside the pot easily makes the protective surface scratched, not only reduces the aesthetics of the rice cooker but also makes it unsafe to cook, especially with non-stick cookers.

Some note to cook delicious rice

Ideally, you should wash the rice with a basket or a small basin, then pour the rice into the rice cooker and add water before cooking.

In addition, you should also wash the rice gently to avoid rubbing. According to the research results, in addition to the fact that rice grain has lost many nutrients during milling, how to wash rice by rubbing rice grains into the jar or between hands to produce white rice grains, creating a lot of water to wash white solid rice, accidentally removing large amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from outside the rice. Making rice grains only the core remains starch. The measured iron and zinc losses in rice grains before and after cooked rice were from 79.9 to 96.5%. The B vitamins also lost up to 70 - 95% during milling, washing rice.

Besides, you should not cook rice with cold water. When cold water is used, the rice grain is swollen, the nutrients expand and dissolve into the water.

Using boiling water to cook, the rice grains will be flexible, the outer layer of the rice seed will shrink to create a protective film, the seeds will not crack, break, the amount of vitamin B1 is 30% more retained than the way of cooking with cold water.

When the rice cooker switches to the heat setting mode, you open the lid immediately and the heat in the pot accordingly will drain out, causing the rice to become fluffy and clumped, the rice is not to be softened and cooked evenly.

You should wait about 10 minutes after the pot goes into incubation mode, please turn on the rice that has enough heat should not affect the floss of rice.
