'The bride' Chi Pu danced with Ngoc Trinh sexy and Do My Linh was pure when wearing a wedding dress

All are 'unmarried girls' but because of the nature of their work, Vbiz beauties once wore a sparkling wedding dress in fashion events. Beautiful, the standard shape has a beautiful fit and beauty of the designers and the wedding dress is one of the selected costumes for the beauties to show off. Normally it was beautiful, when wearing a fluttering wedding dress, they were even more beautiful.

Indeed, the most beautiful girl's life is a bride, so are Vietnamese beauties. Normally it was beautiful, gorgeous, transformed into their bride as a princess came out of a fairy tale!

Miss Do My Linh possesses a sweet, pure beauty, so wearing a pure bridal dress makes the audience bewildered by the attractive fragile beauty.

In contrast, Chi Pu seems to be sharper thanks to the modern, luxurious spirit. She looked sexy but extremely delicate and fashionable.

Actress 'Em not 18' Kaity Nguyen Hoa princess with a minimalist wedding dress combining chiffon with sexy face helps her shine sweetly among a beautiful forest.


Unlike other beauties who favor traditional white, Huong Giang chose the romantic pastel wedding dress Huong Giang as a princess in real life, her beauty makes many girls envious.

Ky Duyen turned the bride full of luxurious spirit.

Look at Dong Nhi like this who does not expect her and Mr. Cao Thang to share a house.

Ngoc Trinh wears a wedding dress and must also lose all sexy ink. The lace wedding dress reveals a lot of bold cut out to help the beauty show off the hot curve.


Angela Phuong Trinh, dressed in a wedding dress, was both charming and pure.

Jun Vu received a rain of compliments because of the sexy beauty in the wedding dress with the tail shape of the chest with the highlight of the big bow.

Thanh Hang is extremely "tight guillotine" with a gorgeous wedding dress with a large spread with a traditional headline chiffon, all perfect angles.

The dazzling bride of glutinous sticky rice makes the fans suddenly brilliant when shining on the fashion stage in splendid wedding dress, she receives a rain of compliments about the sharp, luxurious appearance .

The image of the bride of My Tam only makes people "fall back". Having reached the age of 40, everyone expected to see Sister Nice on a cotton car once and be a bride. And do not disappoint the fans, in the dress of wedding dress in the classic style, the big spread shape, outstanding embroidery and flowers, My Tam crumbles the love everywhere.
