3 food as eat more waist, obesity



Cabbage is foods that taste great. However with your abdominal region, the cabbage back not so great. Is cabbage vegetables cause flatulence for the stomach especially when cooked. So the advice given is that you not eat cabbage in a big number on your waistline if you want a more compact.

Tropical fruits

An Apple a day may keep you healthy, but eating too many tropical fruits will cause you to gain weight quickly. Tropical fruits such as mango, papaya, banana and pineapple are options that make you gain weight quickly. Why is it so?  Because the fruit contains a lot of natural sugar and rich in energy.

Lean red meat

If you are trying to lose weight, stay away from the kind of red meat. Red meat contains high amounts of protein and iron. It also contains cholesterol and saturated fat intake can impair health.

So most food professionals don't introduce this meat in a healthy diet. You should only eat red meat once a week.=
