3 simple ways to lose weight in a week intensive

You want to lose weight fast but don't want to exercise, it's not impossible, by with only 3 simple ways below you will have the right to dream body.

Do not eat many things at once, instead be divided into 5 to 6 small meals in a day.

Eat more packed during the day

Do not eat many things at once, instead be divided into 5 to 6 small meals in a day. Eat a light meal or fruit for lunch, dinner, you can use a little sugar-free biscuits. This way safe for stomach and still ensure your body stay healthy, lose weight fast but safe.

Stay away from alcohol

Alcohol is also one of the causes of weight gain. So stay away from alcoholic drinks and replace with the type of healthy water for Samur like fruit juice, water filter.

Limit foods with lots of starch

Limited to low levels for these foods have more starch such as bread, pizza, fries... but this does not mean great clips with starch. Our bodies still need a certain amount of starch to maintain nutritional balance status.=
