4 foods to help lose belly fat right away in the winter

Green vegetables are an integral part of weight loss menu.

Vegetable juice

Types of green vegetables is an indispensable part in loss menu. Not only processed into the dish, we can also use vegetables to making material for homemade juices.

You can choose from a few different ingredients like spinach, parsley, celery puree ...

This juice can drink dishes on when hungry to help you forget about cravings. The mixture will play an essential role in the fight against the phenomenon of belly fat.

Types of tea

Teas such as green tea, Chamomile tea, tea shower ... very good for the health of the world no longer actively support in reducing belly fat. You should use this instead of the regular drink filtered water in particular is a substitute for the kind of drink that has gas and fresh water.


Very rich in protein but low in fat, is relatively good food in the diet. You'll feel full longer, so will limit food ads than users. Fish and seafood are also important sources of iodine. This is needed for the thyroid controls the basic metabolism of the body.


The potatoes which are known to be food delicious, cheap and more nutritious, but how many vegetables the effect this work to lose weight? Potatoes are tuber vegetables, contains cacbonhydrat complex and rich in fiber has the ability to absorb water. Therefore, eat the potatoes will make you feel full longer and more hunger, from which helps you lose weight.=
