4 how to fly off excessive fat on the body without dieting

Reduce excessive fat on the body is not difficult.

Cucumber juice drink

Cucumber contains a lot of sulfur and silicon, stimulates the kidneys eliminate uric acid through the urine and increase the toxic waste, purification of the body. Next, lemon contains citric acid, promote metabolism and energy metabolism, and the amount of vitamin C in lemons will help you lose weight effectively.

Grilled fruit 1 cucumber, squeezed plus ½ lemon. You can drink 2 times a day for 1 week to feel the changes and rehabilitation of energy metabolism in the body.

Lose weight with honey and lemon

Many researchers have confirmed the lemon effect great weight by lemon is rich in citric acid and just a little lemon juice can also improve digestion, reduces the effect of the diets on blood sugar.

Moreover in the lemon rind also contains Pectin is a rich source of fiber help prevent the stomach absorbs excessive amounts of sugar from which helps lose weight effectively. A cup of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to drink in the morning is already widely applied.

Lemon helps eliminate toxins in the body colon cleanse, and against the area of water in the body, honey has the ability to help the digestive system works more efficiently and from that will help you improve weighing a most effective way.

Grapefruit before each meal or when hungry

Grapefruit is a fruit likely to help you lose belly fat are very good because in bười contains more vitamin C, fiber and carbohydrates to help reduce the amount of insulin in the blood help you when to eat on the no longer appetite, thereby promoting the efficient weight loss.

Eating tomato

In tomato fruits contain very many types of nutrients and vitamins essential for health, while it contains less fat and sweeteners.

Sugar and citric acid in tomatoes helps promote strong metabolic process, destroying the structure of fat making weight loss fast and natural lycopene can inhibit fat-cell growth and absorb the excess fat accumulation in the body.

Moreover, tomato contains very few calories, a tomato fruit contains only about 5 calories.

Extra vitamin C

Many people because of her worries focused diet weight loss, forgetting that providing nutritional supplements, the body is also very important. Full of vitamin C supplement for the body during the process of weight loss will help the body to be more healthy, increased resistance, helping the spirit always be comfortable, relax.

Especially vitamin C also helps the metabolism of fat into energy supported better. With this great benefits then you should supplement vitamin C regularly for the body.=
