5 guest food melt belly fat

Weight loss)- the result is that people who eat a lot of beta carotene and lycopen (yellow colour of carrots, peppers and potatoes) has the smallest waist and belly fat at least.[links] 1. The oil rapeseed

Cooking oils is beneficial for heart health. Tests on mice of the Brazilian researchers showed that rats that are eating the soy oil in 2 months has increased by almost 20% compared with belly fat mouse eating diets rich in rapeseed. Not yet know exactly how much food people need rapeseed to achieve this effect, but they believe that high intake of omega-3 in rapeseed reduce insulin levels, which decrease the accumulation of belly fat.

2. Parking Parking

Change the animal protein in your diet vegetable protein as beans can do better for your heart. A study suggests vegetarian diet calorie control lasted 6 months in those who volunteer to suffer diabetes effectively routed the belly fat and stimulate weight loss no diets better abstain.

Shalt not ignore food beat belly fat

3. low-fat Milk

Milk and other low-fat dairy products help you get strong skeleton. In research published on the Journal of Nutrition in 2011, those who ate 30% of calories from protein, including 6-7 appointment in part of milk each day, will drain the belly fat and full of fat, increase lean muscle mass than people eating less protein and dairy. 4. the five grain

Whole grain rich in magnesium, a mineral regulates fat metabolism.   5. Chili=
