7 techniques to do in the evening to sleep just to lose weight

Sleeping properly also helps you lose weight effectively.

Light dinner

According to women's Health, if you want to wake up with a refreshing feeling, you should limit eating salty dinner. Salts are hoarding, the body can not keep up, causing you to have eliminated the heavy feeling in the morning.

Smell the Peppermint

A study published in the journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine shows people who inhale the aromas 2 hours the average reduction of 2, 5 kg per month. Banana, Green Apple, vanilla has a similar effect .

So before going to bed, please smell the Peppermint Mint scent candles by burning or small a few drops of mint essential oil onto the pillow, you will have the feeling of sleep and still lose weight.

Prepare packed lunches for the next day

The meals at the restaurant contains twice the amount of calories you should consume in a meal. If there is no time in the morning, you can prepare packed lunches for the evening. That will help you control the amount of food into the body, especially when trying to lose weight.

Drink lots of water

Water purification effect, remove toxins from the body. However, if you just want to have a good sleep at night just might lose weight, you should not drink water within an hour before going to bed to avoid having to go to the bathroom frequently.

Get enough sleep

Insomnia causes hormone increases appetite and reduce the hormones that cause the feeling of no. So, people who sleep less tend to eat more. Time to sleep affects hormones that control appetite, sleep study participants less than eight hours a night had a higher ghrelin, leptin lower and much more body fat.

Research shows that people who sleep at least gain most. Those who lose sleep tend to eat more food has more calories and more exercise and less sugar.

Turn off the lights in the bedroom

According to research on animals was published in the journal the Journal of Pineal Research, the hormone melatonin may help the body produce more Brown fat to burn calories. That can happen when you sleep in the dark. So make sure that the bedroom does not have lights to boost your weight loss.

Reduce the temperature in the room

A study showed people sleeping in a room temperature between 19 degrees C can burn more than 7% of calories compared to the Group slept in the room 23 degrees C.=
