How to eat to lose weight rapidly but still beautiful skin

Compact shape, slender waist property is not difficult.

The diet

The optimal diet is the skillful combination of the non-fat protein, foods high in starch, vegetables, a small amount of fat and sugar. Instead of 3 meals daily, as you keep divided into 6 small meals.

In particular, you need to eat enough, the protein-containing foods such as chicken, fish, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal. Besides, asparagus, broccoli, spinach or fruit such as strawberries, bananas, apples, as well as fiber and water supply utility. Avoid eating salty dish because salt makes the body area of the country.

Eat almonds

The best you should eat 10 almonds every day. Do contain almond had recommended glycemic effect of glycemic control and stimulate the metabolism. In addition, it contains calcium, protein and omega-3 help you have more energy.

So, when consumed in moderate amounts, will help you quickly get the perfect physique and no excessive fat on the body.

Set an appropriate exercise regime

Spend 60 minutes to maintain the habit of physical activity each day will promote directly the process of losing weight quickly, while ensuring better health and help the muscles toned and healthy.=
