Miracle weight loss along with sweet potatoes would the mom!!!

Weight loss)- after a month traveling with sweet potatoes, I lose 3 kg plump. Happiness is all my emotions, unbelievably for the first application of eating the same diet of sweet potato so effective.

Until now I still really happy after away weight in drug stores. Life is so, always ready to embrace the fun for everyone.

Think back to see my life interesting. Ten years ago, I was her college students. Even using the word slender is not sufficient, must be thin as sticks, thin as a skeleton.

The day I'm embarrassing step home her husband, who also worry because with this petite stature, the birthing of I presume will be difficult. That day I just wish I were 1, 2 kg.

Happiness also comes after I was born to my husband and baby Rabbits Pastes cu. Theft of two babies, vía night to put his back is asleep. So should the mother not too strenuous, tern the other young mother.

Startled look back to see the mirror is totally different from humans. Don't ever understand his small waist was replaced by waist bread. Throughout the body, it would also be the unwanted fat.

The new avid weightworries stalk. The weight loss tips by beer, she tells them to use honey, sister-in-law of abdominal liposuction ride tips ... you all disorders. I finally see a weight loss program on television, decided to use sweet potatoes lose weight.

Thanks to sweet potatoes, I did lose weight effectively. Photo illustrations


From there, am I eating a boiled potatoes and drink glass of water. Lunch then eat less rice with vegetables, fried potatoes. Up to sweet potato soup again, baked sweet potato, potato, cleaning. The menu changes flexibly.

In addition I also exercise using treadmill. Lose weight by sweet potatoes I also make use of the rooftop to stats the foam box small, sweet potato planting themselves at home.

So that I have a little clean vegetable garden on the rooftop. Every day up to that exercise also feel healthier, with more natural. Last week two baby take care of vegetable gardens also teaches children computer diligently.

After a month I lost 3 kg. Indeed I must thank this method, it does not just help me get in shape tapering waist that also helps me more energetic, close to the child.

The sisters also try using this way to lose weight!=
