Reasons for sudden weight gain that leads to obesity in women

1. Stress

Stress is not just negative state of that psychological instability as it lasts you longer have to face the unexpected increase in weight.

This was due to stress slowing metabolic processes, is one of the reasons that cause weight gain.

Health Nutrition Center has research and put out the conclusion these people fall into a psychological state of instability usually tend to like to eat the foods that have large concentrations of carbohydrate-are the main causes of obesity.

2. Stage of menopause

Perimenopausal stage is an important turning point in the life of these women. Women in the menopausal years have higher risk of being obese, excess abdominal fat is because of menopause and estrogen hormone levels drop cause osteoporosis, diseases of fat accumulation.

So women in the menopausal age need a nutritional regimen and exercise extreme science. Should add more calcium and vitamin D, limiting the calorie rich foods and fats.

3. Smoking

We often do not think that the drugs make up body weight does not control but that is true especially the drug treatment of diseases such as depression, diabetes, hypertension, headaches, ear.

In addition a number of treatment by therapy and hormonal contraception measures also causes you to gain weight.

For the drug treatment of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, you should not stop taking the medication that must drink as directed by your doctor and have to diet and exercise to get in shape.

4. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep is not the adverse human health but also the leading make us suffer from weight gain.

The reason is that when lack of sleep the body fell into a tired, stressed, our bodies are not responsible is the inherent function of the body, causing the amount of calorie loaded can not drain, causing increased fat accumulation.

5. Eating disorders

Insatiable dining, not control. Eating more foods containing fat will lead to weight gain, obesity.

6. Sick

Some diseases make us drop weight quickly but some diseases do body weight as fast as the disease related to the activity of the thyroid gland.

The lack of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland is the cause of the decrease in metabolic processes, mean weight gain.

When the body shows symptoms such as fatigue, sleep, li packs, headache, hoarseness ... should you take the examination to determine whether you have symptoms of thyroid-related diseases.

7. Dinner too late

Studies have shown that people who consume the same calories as the others but eat 1-2 hours before going to bed will gain weight faster than those who ate before. You need to dressn main meal at lunchtime, then eat less in the evening, at least 3 hours before going to bed.

8. polycystic ovarian syndrome

Dr. Geetha Venkat, Director of the clinical Institute of reproduction Harley Street (uk) said: "The patients with Polycystic ovary syndrome with insulin resistance, the same as people with diabetes. This makes the body they are difficult to convert testosterone into female hormones in ovarian estrogen ".

The level of testosterone in the body higher will cause them to gain weight and insulin resistance the body can't use the energy absorbed.

Other symptoms of the syndrome include many feathers on the body, menstrual irregularities, infertility, loss of hair and have acne.=
