Reduce excessive fat from a to z of food thanks to the purple engine

Eggplant has the ability to heat poorly, with fiber and mucous substance that helps reduce fat absorption.


Eggplant has the ability to heat poorly, with fiber and mucous substance reduces the absorption of fats, the consumption of amphibians reserve fat contributes to weight loss fast, pushing the weight for you. 1 kg Eggplant contains 230 calories, so this is the least calorie food should provide very little energy for the body. You may comfort eat Eggplant without worry about gaining weight.

You can have in your hands fast weight loss pills article from Eggplant with snipe-friendly delicacies made of sauteed eggplant, such as boiled eggplant, eggplant, Eggplant featherback roll sauteed minced meat, sauce, cooking eggplant, Eggplant Curry, grilled eggplant ...

The Chinese in everyday meals generally must have eggplant in the diet of each person because they experience that Eggplant brings many benefits for health problems than its normal value.


Yams help control blood sugar levels in the blood and body weight thanks to contain more fiber and complex carbohydrates. Natural sugar contained in yams when the body will Digest slower speed helps us feel full longer. Fibre in yams that are good for the digestive process, contributing to fast weight loss.

You can also use yams for the dish easy to enjoy folk like yams cooked shrimp soup, eaten with melon sauce, beef soup mushroom soup, yams yams.

This food delicious medium medium low energy, help you own the compact physique. Also in accordance with the folk yams also work to benefit the milk for mothers after childbirth.

So when you want to lose weight after the birth that still favor milk then please join me naked how to lose weight after birth with sweet potatoes, make sure you will have many more useful knowledge that you previously unexpected.

Purple cabbage

Purple cabbage as scientists have studied, it does not contain the protein, less power but rich in fiber, vitamins A, K and vitamin c. purple cabbage daily Food makes you full of energy but don't worry about gaining weight. Besides, purple cabbage contain anthocyanin reduces the risk of getting diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In purple cabbage also contain highly oxidative substances, substances that help the skin and smooth.  Use purple cabbage in place of the usual type of cabbage is a wise choice for the housewife. Please add this purple vegetables for weight loss menu of your family.

Purple grapes

Insulin in the metabolism of sugar help a grape into a low content, here is a quick weight loss mechanism for abdominal region that almost no food with purple grapes.

Vine bark contains tannins and oils, Grapeseed had longer in tannins compounds, phlobaphene, lecithin, cellulose, organic acids, fatty oils and vanilla. Here are all the required nutrients work lose fat abdomen in a natural way.

The food drink made from purple grapes will bring you a healthy cardiovascular system over time because they restrict the fat in blood-born to be great.

Currently there are many types of purple grapes originating from China sold spills causing consumers cannot distinguish good grapes, is safe. Please be careful in buying your grapes to avoid the immeasurable consequences for health.

When the vegetables have the same weight in purple is the perfect choice for, you will definitely lose weight successfully with these foods to lose weight, you will see your life dreaming as the purple variety, faithful and surely you'll love purple!=
