The countries of the world what to eat to lose weight?

The rice and beans dish is preferred in the weight of the Brazilian people. Photo: Joff Lee/Gettyimages.

Thailand: spicy dishes

According to Health, Thailand is one of the countries most spicy food in the world and they also pick Peppers is daily weight loss method. According to them, a spicy condiment increases the metabolic rate, that will cause you to eat more slowly, fast and very effective fat burning. Thanks to that you also easily achieved the purpose of reducing weight.

Brazil: rice and beans

This dish is a top priority when the weight of Brazilian women. Two types of foods contain less fat while many fiber helps to balance blood sugar. Actually, a study in the journal Obesity Research has proven this method reduces the risk of overweight to 14%.

Switzerland: cereal or Porridge

Swiss people usually eat cereal or porridge made from oats, fruits for weight control and health promotion. They help slow digestion than you will see no longer. They often use this dish for breakfast.

Malaysia: Technology

Add turmeric powder on the menu is the weight loss habits of Malaysians. Cari dish with turmeric powder dish is quite popular in this country. Scientists point out that technology helps prevent the formation of adipose tissue and stimulates the metabolism of calories.

Hungary: pickling

Not only have the cucumber, pickle usually Hungarians several other foods with vinegar like bell peppers, cabbage and tomatoes. They believe that these foods can help weight loss due to acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, helps reduce blood pressure, blood sugar and prevent the formation of fat.

Netherlands: Fish

85 million fish are consumed each year in the Netherlands. When eating fish to lose weight, they are often pickled fish, then a snack with cakes, onion or cucumber. The fish contains more omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the level of cortisol, hormones that cause stress and increases the amount of fat in the body.

Japan: Banana

Most people usually eat a banana for breakfast or before breakfast and a banana before every meal. They said that the banana is the food promotes metabolism and stimulate the process of losing weight more quickly.=
