Top familiar fruits causing you to gain weight does not stop

Pineapple without too much nutrient content but contains too much sugar.


Banana food weight gain from ancient times due to calorie helps the body to gain weight in a healthy way. The best way to skinny people gain weight is to combine banana milk shake dish to the diet.

Vitamin B6 have in bananas helps the circulation of blood in the body, thereby encouraging the production of erythrocytes. Bananas are also rich in manganese, which helps improve the digestive system, preventing the bone disease.


If you search for food to help increase weight, raisins fruits is certainly should have. Contains fructose and glucose, raisins provide abundant sources of energy body.


A mango fruit (about 200 g) contains 145 calories. Mango contains a fairly high sugar components, so if you are in weight lossmode, let's really consider when enjoying the fruit.


Pineapple without too much nutrient content but contains too much sugar. 160 g pineapple up to 16, 2 g sugar, offering 82 calories. Only the number of calories is not high but way too many ingredients can hardly makes you easy to store excess fat, very detrimental to the dream of 90-60-90.=
