The question should never tell her husband

If you want to keep the peace with gas and long-term relationship with him, you should never uttered the following with the mother-in-law, according to Sg. theasianparent:

"I have asked my opinion of you"

This is the same as the lyrics affirming her husband mother not necessary to give ideas for your problems. Even better, you should think the intention of the mother as well, and simply thank her opinions, rather than repudiate it. Of course, you can still do everything in my then-because you are the final decision. If the mother-in-law continued to contribute comments, say "thanks mom, but we decided Yes".

"I can't believe I voted for him"

Politics and religion are two very sensitive topic and can bring unnecessary stress for the family. If you want to discuss politics with her husband's mother, remember that nobody WINS in that debate. If the mother-in-law question you about a certain politician whom she loved but you don't have a good impression, it is best to Dodge questions or change the subject.

"Why don't you teach my son know..."

The mother complained to her husband about something you do or not do in his life is not fair. That is the mature man and marry him is your decision, therefore, of the husband is not the fault of the mother. The rule of thumb: it is best not to drag mother-in-law on the issue of marriage , or any related matters between you and her husband.

"The lunar new year (or a holiday) at home much more funny..."

Say this suggests you consider his relationship with real husband separated because you don't acknowledge that was your family. The family is the family-whether legally binding or by marriage. You should try not to distinguish or worse, compare, at least speak out in words.

"We're very busy, not to see my mom."

Mother-in-law can look forward to seeing your spouse more than possible, or more than your wish. Please arrange the time of giạn reasonable to have time for her. This also helps to drag my husband on your side. And if you actually flooded with the chores and promenade, also please take a moment for her. Nobody likes the feeling of abandonment.

"It would be better if her son spoke to her mother this news"

Don't evade your responsibility to have the sincere caring relationships, open with mother-in-law. And don't take your husband's bond with his parents, he as an excuse to you repudiation of his role. Even when really the information that due to my husband you say the better, say "I'm going to Henry told her parents about this, because I don't want to ' public debate ' with him. But I'm sure my parents will be surprised, elated that Sir ". Also, don't call your husband/wife is "son/daughter mother"-listen to vulgar and provocative. My husband's parents are named, and you married a man grown, not the son of his parents.

"I will not let my mother see me anymore"

Do not use this as a weapon to win the argument stack. As that is not fair (your child is not your stuff and they deserve to see her grandmother) and it creates dissatisfaction before the family member that you threatened her husband's mother. Similarly, your mother-in-law will always remember and can get this against you, that you have to keep the child away from her just because of the two dissidents.

"I can't eat this famous"

Even if you have serious problems related to religion or health with no cooking of the mother-in-law, look the other way, more friendly to let her know that. Food is an important platform for most of the Asian family. You say can not be something no other cooking by husband and mother would you deny her cooking ability. If only a matter of taste, let's try that. You will be surprised because the simple job that could help her avoid a cold war.

"The kids are not allowed to do it"

Grandparents tend to spoil the grandchildren and who may be open to help children break the rules in the House related to watch TV, eat sweets or buy toys. Don't be too harsh on this. Let's manage our children by bringing out the specific regulations in question and do it in the presence of my husband's parents. For example, you can say "I just eat a candy and eat only after you have finished dinner, right?", or "you can watch TV before bed for 15 minutes and just because today is a special occasion, when Ms. to play, right?".=



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