Astrology Zodiac November 12/2015: The important note (1)

Astrology Zodiac November 12/2015

Aries (21/3-1/4)

From November 3 to November 21, under the influence of glass, Birch began to question himself about the problems far deeper inside. You realize a lot of things I need to improve, and you want to pay attention to listen to the things that you or a lover told himself.

In Birch sticks do just what I want, relatively stiff; but once they had decided what to do, Birch will proceed to phăm phăm, full of strong. And because so much effort put in, you will receive many great results in our work.

In November, the love story of incredibly beautiful Birch.

If you are in love, then in the period from 13/11 to 6/12, and people will be incredibly beautiful.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Friendship is the most outstanding aspects of the Taurus in November. If there were a lover, you will try to win precious time for the other half, put him up front.

If independent, Taurus just may meet the love of your truly, no longer the vibration transient or superficial relationships. However, in the first time together, you should not be too outspoken about the expectations for this, because it will probably do you a new appointment somewhat scared.

This November, the facility will be the place to bring happiness to the Taurus. You eat Italian cooperation with colleagues and superiors.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

In November, Gemini parents closer and I asked a few moments came a little. You want to understand why I reacted like that, given the different situations. Also, you yourself recalled, digging on old memories.

Venus and Mars is located in the home area of your love, make your feelings become intense, demand intimacy also increased. Night Fighter also busy, because someone asked go something fun is you nodded agreeing.

If married, then during this time, you should plan for the future – such as buying a home, baby, go on holiday. This is a Turkish influence, urge you to think long term, rather than the normal Gemini hardly counted before.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

The November issue of Cancer is full of changes. If you are thinking about finding a new place to stay, this is the right time for you to move out. More likely, you will find a wonderful place, but the prices are also not too expensive. With few Located at this tournament, you can leave the roof of her parents, start up or live with a lover.

Overall, the changes-such as diet or new workout, new Outlook on life-will bring to Cancer many advantages. You want his comprehensive human development, not only in external appearance but also the inner soul.

Cancer will also available for special events such as holidays or marriage in November. If still in school, your score will quite high – because you are really dedicated to study.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Lions will spend some time to arrange the House in other ways. Can, you suddenly realize you have too many map, need to clean back, keep only what is important. In addition, Professor become intimate with children in the home and share with parents, many things, only I could from the baby until the growth plates.

Also in November, lion Pythons return to love. You feel the other half sometimes disagree with his viewpoint. In the meantime, the chat is a great way for the two sides to understand each other's feelings and feel better.

Money and finance as well as the problem of the month. On this account, the lion more progress and more wisely.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

In November, the personalities of the women improved Treatment. You "dare to think dared do" more, more desperate. You open my heart than with strangers, the initiative would like to assume the new responsibilities. People see the change where the Virgo and praise, you also cheery acceptance.

This month, Virgos like to enjoy life. You more interest to his appearance, willing to put the money to care for and style changes.

Sometimes, the same people who love you ... go away, don't worry, keep away from the hustle. A few Virgos can decide that he needs commitment, or at least is also a ray of hope for the future in their relationship. If he does not open the word, Virgo will not suspect that in forever. They want everything clearly.




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