The harsh bitter when looking up car lover sneaks United

I pull the contingency window cars, bowing to theatres who, put 2 eyes sneaks look the same role match others Constant. Already then the breath of children.

We have loved each other earnestly. Each despite all the objections of 2 families to come together but why all this come?

Hang with her husband entered the wedding Center lobby. Today's constant pretty too!

Photo illustrations.

I fell into the Chair, let go of the emotional reply, even for silent tears fell. All the memories in the mind of the idea towards fondling on the skin:

"I don't like her wearing a short skirt and chest such openings," tOh banging the table.

Review: "the General's constant has a beautiful lover you must be proud. Nice must then trotted out ".

I loudly: "excuse me, what looked to be, I don't crave".

"You go", Constant warm memories.

"I get. People get a CD-ROM about the wife not to get married on the go ". Good employees out the door walked with the Lord smile.

Thinking she's all the memories in my wrath back insurgent movement like crazy. I love Hang but I don't need that woman. Why does she think so, just I love her enough, I saw her beautiful is copied to need beautiful in the eyes of other people?

After a long time sever contact, I realize that I miss and love her more than everything. We have loved each other in 4 years, why we can not solve. I once said to Hang on it but I also panned and push everything into a stalemate.

I will find the hang, I'll think of more open, I will pm as her short skirt.

I turned up on Facebook to their Constant contact with her, But the constant wearing wedding dresses stars stood alongside other men with the words "invite all your friends to attend his wedding at the wedding party ...".

Through learn from friends, I like falling on heads of the truth. Why we place such a staggering. I have Constant loss because of foolish pride and the makers of the most children.

Pain engulfed me in despair, I am going to the wedding of Ganges to look at other men instead of up's I her most extravagant wedding dress that she said ... and simply gnawing sadness when the woman that I love for the car.

Could anyone have thought crazy as me?=



The trend

Office fashion

Wedding dresses




Natural beauty


How to cure

Weight loss

Love room


Raising children





Bride mother-in-law

