You should see? Right hand or left hand?

Actually, the question "Should see the hand" is just the best tips-questions you should see both hands, but how to see each hand is not the same.

Eastern horoscope concept "Southern women's description property"-news when viewed hands the son will see left hand, also see hand my daughter will see right hand. It will be the first heavenly hands -news just the life of a person in the time before the age of 30, while the rest of the hand is the hand runner -destiny only after 30 years. First hand heaven hard to change, and the climate can change hands at any time.

Also in Western horoscope, hand is the hand heaven born, shows the capabilities, strengths, weaknesses as well as the challenges you may encounter-is the plan that you select when born out of the life. In contrast, the hand is the hand the reality -show what you actually do with the possibilities. When you grow up, to learn, to strive, to decide his fate, the way your life changes.

According to astrology, Oriental, South view, see the left hand right hand. Also the Western horoscope is not solar hand concept was born, the hand is realistic.

The concept of positive-positive hand hands according to Western horoscope is also similar to the concept of Oriental horoscope on your hands first-runner: the only hands on the hand not pros don't change over time, but the way the pros on hand can change dramatically and sometimes quite suddenly. With most people, the hand is the right hand, left hand is the left hand. With Ambidextrous ones, you can see the hand that the person used to write or hands are used the most.

So, gradually, more and more skills on the art view of General hand, you will begin to understand the way that both hands you the panorama of the life of a people ... about developed, a person's qualities; their efforts, how far away; and the potential that they have yet to exploit.=



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