Beauty at least know of mud mask

Mineral mud mask from nature is a simple but very effective way to help your skin get a new vitality, fresh and smooth. Stock mud masks also helps vitamin supplements and nutrients for your skin, use mud to make beautiful, treat skin inflammation, fatigue, stress.

Stock mud masks also helps vitamin supplements and nutrients for your skin.

In addition, when the mud mask is combined with other natural ingredients such as fruits, honey, yogurt will have the effect of double-efficiency white o thanks to active maintenance of powerful white mixture. Let your skin experience the same unique formula below:

Dried mud mask + Cam

Vitamin C contained in oranges is extremely important in cleaning the skin, repelling the brown pigmentation, fade acne scars and skin whitening effect.  Meanwhile, the mud back contains microelements essential nutrients stimulate the growth of new cells, bring new vitality to your skin.

Vitamin C contained in oranges is extremely important in cleaning the skin.

Preparation: 2 tsp of dried mud, a few teaspoons of orange juice, 1 small Dipper.

Make: Pour mud into a clean Cup and then squeezed orange juice to stir into mixture to make a paste. Clean the surface, wipe dry.  Use this mixture to apply to present a layer mask and leave on for about 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

You can also have the application this way with fruits such as grapefruit, papaya, avocado, lemon ...

Mineral mud mask + turmeric powder

Turmeric powder when combined with mud will create a great source of nutrients in fostering new skin cells, DAB the skin lesions due to soothe acne and environmental factors.

Turmeric powder when combined with mud will create a great source of nutrients.

Preparation: A few teaspoons of mud; couple of TSP of turmeric powder; a little water filter; 1 small clean Dipper.

Make: Pour all ingredients in common on the Goblet and then stir them to when forming the mixture make. Wash your face and then use that mixture evenly onto the DAB to within 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Make several weeks for your skin to actually recover and radiant pink and white.

Dried mud mask + honey

Honey is rich in nutrients, helping antibacterial, anti-aging, softening is extremely good for your skin as dry season. Honey mud masks are the perfect combination to dry skin care chappy, lack of vitality due to the cold weather.

Honey is rich in nutrients, helping antibacterial, soften the skin.

Preparation: a few teaspoons of dried mud; couple of TSP of honey are stirred to dissolve in 1 teaspoon of water; 1 clean the Goblet.

Make: Pour mud into Bangkok along with honey just add dilute with water, stir stir into mixture to make a face.

You should get up several times a week, each lasting about 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

To reach the best results for your skin. After the face is done you should massage the face with rose water to keep moist and se closed pores.

Mineral mud mask + milk

Milk helps to moisturize and whiten the skin. The combination between mud and fresh milk duo will give your skin the excellent results thanks to the nutrients in this mixture.

Milk helps to moisturize and whiten the skin.

Preparation: A few teaspoons of mud; a few teaspoons of fresh milk without sugar; 1 small glass clean.

Make: Pour all the ingredients into the Cup, stir. Wash your face clean and DAB the mixture onto the surface to within 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Mineral mud mask + mineral water

Can condensed or dried mud mixed with mineral water into the mixture, make up the face.

Can condensed or dried mud mixed with mineral water into the mixture, make up the face or the body, relax or sunbath for 15-20 minutes, then a bath with clean water.

Mineral mud mask + tomato juice

・ 20 g of dried mud, 30 ml tomato juice, mix and apply evenly onto the skin, relax for 20 minutes, then rinse with clear water.

Mineral mud mixture and mix tomato juice and apply evenly onto the skin.

In addition, the mud also acne. Can mud embankment onto the pimple, to dry and then rinse with warm water. Do continuously 2 times/week and do regular couple of weeks will see results.

Mud also used to bathe, help relax the skin, reducing wrinkles, cleanses skin regeneration, cell death.

Note When using mineral mud:

Oily skin: How do mud masks 2-3 times/week.

Mixed skin, the skin often: Do mud masks 1-2 times/week.

For oily skin: How do mud masks 2-3 times/week.

If the busy work, with no time to take care of the skin by mud mask, you also should not be too worried. Currently, scientists have researched and created so many beauty technologies ensure the criteria: effective, fast, secure. Please introduce you some advanced beauty technology today: tech clears the Thermage, acne treatment technology wrinkle TheraClear, freckles, Melasma treatment technology Spectra Laser Toning. Here is the technology that has passed testing by leading prestigious institutions in the world for efficiency and safety.=



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