7 bad habits of marriage

To prevent this from happening, it is best to keep solving those bad habits. Don't let it become a part of the life of her husband.

1. Don't say enough

The marriage was a few months or a few years, many times couples talk to each other more and less. This is not a good thing. We forget that there are still things we don't know about each other. You can always share about your day and the things that you experience while you go out. It is important to continue the Exchange to let you understand more about each other and sympathize with each other. At the same time this is also against the bad habits of marriage as not said enough.

2. Talk about the wrong things

Sometimes we talk and just talking about the wrong thing. We are very easy to washed because the subject boring. Almost things that we exchange with noni usually is just what is going on with the kids, bills and other pertinent topics. Don't let this spoil your marriage gradually. Let's do the richer the content of the conversation. Ask your partner about what is happening on television or what had happened to his mate ...

3. Not dating anymore

Dating shouldn't end when you married. To your marriage better continue dating together. This can be difficult, especially when you have kids. But the important thing is to find a baby sitter and give each other in addition to refreshing your marriage. It really made your life better.

4. No longer kiss each other goodbye

Sad when a couple from the kiss goodbye. These are little things but is important binder of a couple. If you have forgotten this routine then please talk to the person you expect of yourself. Maintain the habit of kissing goodbye will be a good start for your boring marriage. It is never too late to fix this.

5. angry scowl

CAU has upset is not part of your marriage. This situation happens when things between two people has become so full of contradictions. This also happens when you let your marriage infected many bad habits. Let's do what's needed to reset everything to become interesting. If you make your marriage becomes sweeter as the first day, then no need to worry about angry scowl.

6. Don't say love

When a new couple into marriage, they often can't say out love with each other. But as time passes, sometimes they say those sweet words. Don't let this happen to your marriage. The important thing is to do the little things like say I love you every day. If you're not already say that, then take the initiative to talk with his mate.

7. no information for your partner

This can happen as the time elapsed for too long. You forgot to mention each other. To avoid this, make the effort to better understand his mate. When you information and praise his partner then you have noted the good things as well as their personalities.

Stop bad habits in your marriage is something that you need to actively work towards.=



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