Explore the differences between the 2 factions

Color blind than men or women

Due to the system of men and women differently should affect the decision to look at the colors of the two factions. Women have two X chromosome genes, while men have one. That's because women likely lsy detect colors, subtle nuances rating because their eyes are more "color vision gene" than men.

Have less color than the gene also means men are likely to be color blind. If a woman has any gene would be lost or damaged, it can set back on the second X chromosome, but in man no this.

According to scientists, there are about 8 per 100 men suffer color blindness, while this rate in females was only 1/100.

Little men suffer pelvic diseases than women

Gender characteristics of women's childbearing functions should ensure diseases about the pots. According to Dr. Anton Emmanuel, gastro intestinal specialist hospital, UNIVERSITY of London: "the downside of this is that women are prone to pelvic pain, pelvic floor prolapse than men".

During pregnancy due to the action of the hormone, women's pelvic joints become loose, the hole over the pots slowly further out, all of this creates conditions for the fetus come easily

This occurs when the pelvic floor muscles weaken, causing the bladder, uterus, rectum and even the tiny intestines portion probably fell down, create hernias or asymptomatic in the vagina or rectum, causing the pain does not control.

Women's bones thin and become more vulnerable after the menopause.

Men need to tip more than women

Man's nose has a tendency to over 10% more than women because they need more oxygen. Researchers at the UNIVERSITY of Iowa said.

Men often have more lean muscle mass, they also require more oxygen to the body's growth and maintenance. Larger noses are also means of oxygen can inhale more, shipping in the blood supply to the muscles.

The difference in the size of the nose becomes clear in about 11 years, when men start developing more lean muscle mass and women focuses on developing fat mass.

Women are more susceptible to alcohol than beer drunk

The liver in females less enzyme dehydrogenase-a type of enzyme needed to have the ability to break the impact of alcohol in the body that are not harmful.

Therefore, a woman will absorb the alcohol into the blood more than men even when men drink more or the same amount. So, women will feel the impact of what she drank more quickly.

Women more tired exercise

The lung capacity of women less than men by about 30%, Dr. Rohit Lal, lung cancer experts at Guy's Hospital in London said. So, Lung muscle of women may have to work more than men, the Airways narrower also make them breathe harder while practicing sport. This also meant that the sisters struggled to breathe rapidly as men in the same age.

This also explains why these women often suffer heart failure when the heart can't pump oxygen throughout the body effectively.

The ligaments loose women than men

Women have loose ligaments than men, so it can help the pelvis easier expansion during childbirth.

But it is also the disadvantage because that means women are at risk for more joint injuries-Professor Alan Silman, consulting the treatment of rheumatic diseases and the Medical Director of the Arthritis Research uk analysis.

Women who gain weight easier than men

Men have lean muscle mass percentage higher, meaning they burn calories more efficiently, therefore less weight than women. Thus, men have the same weight with the women but they can eat 300 calories per day without gaining weight.

Men often fat in the abdomen or the accumulation of visceral fat, while women tend to fat thighs and butt sections.

Belly fat in men is related to risk of diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol. However the fat around the hips and thighs in women has no effect as such, even it can protect people against heart disease, Dr. Ashton said.

Women had more wrinkles easily

Women had more wrinkles easily because the thinner skin, prone to loss of collagen, easy to aging, are more likely to form wrinkles, Dr. Sajjad Rajpar, dermatology, hospital, Edgbaston in Birmingham said.

Males had higher collagen density, which is why they look older than in a long time. However, women may have an immune system more active, so they deal with the infection better and the body they were less damage after infection.

However, the immune system in women occurs more slowly, this explains why women live longer than men.=



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