Hoang Yen Chibi is very active in changing her fashion sense and image

Chibi Hoang Yen is familiar to audiences through the image of a singer who possesses a sweet voice, a small, cute appearance. After the time of singing, Hoang Yen Chibi began encroaching on film with some impressive roles.

This August, Chow's Chibi will also be in the Butterfly House. In the movie, she plays the role of Mai - a shy, individual girl. The image on the film is somewhat in line with the real-life style of the female singer.

Right from the first day of entering the art field, Hoang Yen Chibi has guided her to a gentle and youthful style. In the first time, it was almost impossible to see the images of female singers breaking, personality or sexy. The choice of Hoang Yen is partly because her face possesses many small lines, helping her to be younger. In addition, it is undeniable that the audience is familiar with the image of the first day when she appeared, difficult to change.

However, by the end of 2018, Hoang Yen Chibi has constantly changed his image with sexy and charming figures.

With a different image, Hoang Yen Chibi made a surprise but also brought many conflicting remarks like that style of prostitution that made her older than her age, her clothes did not show the charm, elegance . also Some people said that it was time for Hoang Yen Chibi to renew herself.

Before these two lines of opinion, the female singer quietly recorded to improve. She had interviewed that she was no longer distracted by conflicting comments, she believed in her intuition but did not mean to ignore all constructive comments.

Hoang Yen Chibi continues to refresh herself with a sexy chest cup dress, tall hair column .

  The makeup of the female singer presses on the lips and eyes to retain the natural look but loses points in the hair part. How to tie high hair will often create a strong, personality but look in the picture, with the dress with chest cup, Hoang Yen, so wavy hair style will be more suitable.

In the latest set of photos, Hoang Yen Chibi chooses a new style with short wavy hairstyle, a bold makeup and a cup with a large tie.

Hoang Yen Chibi is not a member of the brand but sometimes, she still owns valuables like bags from big brands.

The style chosen by Hoang Yen Chibi in the latest image is somewhat rebellious, breaking the way from costume to styling.

Chibi Chibi constantly seeks a new, more appropriate style so that audiences are not boring every time she appears. However, compared to the look, the female singer is always easier to score with the usual gentle style.

Placed on the table are two opposing styles that Hoang Yen Chibi has appeared in public, of course the vote will be for the familiar sweet princess image. However, in the art field, every artist has a direction to build different images in each stage. Chibi is still looking for new styles to transform herself. And her efforts, however, deserve to be noted.



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