The type of shoes helps parents elected comfortably during pregnancy

on 9 October, pregnancy is the time your feet suffer much pressure due to completely support the body weight gain were pretty much. Therefore, to help your feet in comfort when wearing shoes sandals, her mother elected to note select the appropriate items.

The same list the perfect pair of shoes for his mother elected!

Nice shoes, safety tips when elected to the pumpkin

Select shoe size

The ideal shoe size for her vote must be noted in both the vertical and horizontal of the foot. The length is measured from heel to longest toe and plus 2-3 cm; horizontal is the widest part of the shoe with the measurements from the thumb to the little finger at the borders between the toes with the instep.

The elevation

The experts recommended the ideal height for her shoes, elected from 2-3 cm. At the same time, she elected should also choose shoes with moderate slope, the shoe has an hếch nose with logical steps. Note part shoe sole should be the way of the wave-shaped Nebula or must have the power to create a good sticking point of friction with the road surface, avoiding the risk of slippery, falls.

Designs and materials

His mother elected should not choose these shoes have straps belts of forced cumbersome because that will cause difficulties when brought by Ms. obscured by the belly. Instead, the sisters choose the shoes all shoes, dolls or sandal has the straps comfortable stretchy chun will help parents elected to move more easily. At the same time, they will help to elect her legs have more space to "breathe".

About the material of shoes she elected should choose these shoes, soft slippers, have good elasticity, softness and absorbent coasters.

Time buying shoes

My sister should buy shoes for the first 6 months and for the last 3 months of pregnancy, this time by 2 foot change markedly different. At the same time she elected should also buy shoes in the afternoon, check the density as well as the elasticity of the Roman Empire by folded and turn this region. To musically too much vacuum, replace the shoes for at least 2 days/times and to the shoes in place of airy at least 8 hours before taking off on cabinets or boxes.


In due time the secret vote, the amount of sweat in the legs will increase more, she elected to foot hygiene needs thoroughly, wash legs and keep your feet dry. In addition you can use more hygroscopic powders to sprinkle on shoes help us always dry, reduce the smell and avoid slippery.

Some sample ideal footwear

Bệt shoes

Right to know I'm carrying a little creatures, you have to give up the fancy heels these shoes and bệt. Flexible, gentle and feminine, the stylized dolls shoes, comfort will be the top choice for her vote. With this functional shoes my mother elected can spoilt combined with costumes to work without fear of error guu.

Sport shoes

The shoes sport not easily mix map as bệt shoes. However, parents can still vote to select the sports shoes to comfortably move and combined with the spacious regularly elected pants to wear. In particular, when pregnant, you are encouraged to gently exercise good for the birth process, the shoes became indispensable items at this stage.

Slippers, sandals

On summer days, he was elected mother hot oi ngẩm with the shoes or sport shoes, dolls, then select Sandals sandals gently, handy hint is not bad. The comfortable, compact and cool will help you really comfortable and easy to move.


Flip-flops are quite popular with summer sisters. It helps parents elected to "liberate" the legs and are also extremely easy to mix. Gently with the straps piece and she elected Emperor can take them when walking. However, skillfully chooses flip-flops anti slip material by the pair of porous cardboard though gently but not safe for the mother elected!

Common mistakes in choosing shoes for mother-elected

Select wide shoes to "minus hao"

Many parents elect to save a wide size shoes shopping in the early months of pregnancy and used the remainder of the pregnancy. However, this is quite a dangerous mistake for health, by carrying the shoes are not compatible with the foot can cause pain in other areas such as heels, toes, neck jute even foot and knee. Therefore, she elected to make yourself fit into real shoes 1st 6 months of pregnancy and a pair for the last 3 months of pregnancy to the room except for the risk of not good from shoes to mom and baby!

Choose the gày high heels

Parents often choose to elect the shoes to the "wing" for research on appearance a "much" of his charges. However, the heels though emperors of moderate level of 4-5 cm can also cause harm to the mother. The heels, particularly spearhead shoes will alter the posture, increases the pressure on your back, knees and easily cause the disease in the legs and back for his mother to vote. Not so, they also increase the risk of falls endanger both mother and baby.=



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