After the wedding, to avoid fighting to remember 10 things

Here are 10 ways to help avoid arguing that married couples should know:

1. Admit mistakes even when you are not wrong

Marriage is compromise. And error is always an important factor in the healing of marriage. Admit your mistakes even when you are not wrong is just one of the many compromises that you need are ready to perform in order to avoid an argument. I put a little lower and an apology.

2. Know the hobby and the hate of each other

The cause of the quarrel of most couples is two people are not understanding each other. For example, the husband started floating around because he thinks that his wife is being trampled over his choice and vice versa. To avoid such a war, the two you should understand each other to avoid the enemy status to pushing news crazy.

3. Remove the I

A quarrel ensues when the ego in every person always put up on. The two of you start asking questions about why do others go just because were married. And then those that will become both a dispute decades, not just stop at the difference of opinion. To avoid conflict after marriage, let's learn how to eliminate the rigid and open with each other if you can.

4. Avoid sex during the quarrel

You will realize that you will be starved of sex for several days then if continued fighting. This can cause both of you to act to avoid the debate. Whenever going to float around, think about whether you will have to avoid physically intimate in the evening, and you will slowly learn to avoid conflict.

5. Set out the "prescribed"

If you start to feel that you are preparing to argue about little things, you can transfer the subject or ask her (him) turning the topic quickly.

6. think about the influence of the quarrel with you

Although the children at that age are also very sensitive when their parents fighting. Children can easily feel uncomfortable between my parents and this can affect the physical and mental state. Before the two started a fight, think of the affecting.

7. For each private space

There are when, all what you need is only couple ... far from each other out a bit. Let the other half is to do things that he/she wants to do. When there's controversy, let's give each other time to tame hot, out to breathe the fresh air, walking, biking ... regardless of the activity would pull you out of the situation will lead to unwanted prospect.

8. Grateful

Over all, have these when you need to express his gratitude to you life. These feelings respectfully to each other will help overcome controversies, keep yourself positive view. Remember that you love him, don't want to push him away just because of the problems it can solve.

9. The compromise

Every relationship has these certain benefits from compromise. Sometimes you just know when to compromise. You can't always insists on his way to the best for just listen to him. Try to neutralize, to both feel satisfied, satisfied about the common life.

10. Find the real problem in that would

Two people can argue for very small things like today who turn to garbage or he forgot the appointment with the dinner my wife a "flagrant".

The problem lies in that the "pretext" may originate from the larger issues like your husband that his wife is not advocacy efforts to lose weight and you said he was a township not promises, a lack of commitment in everything.

Find out and fix the cause will help you how to avoid conflict in the times to come.=



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