Suddenly the threat of mayonnaise

Fat content in a tablespoon of mayonnaise would make a lining that surrounds the heart, thus leading to the heart. Here are 8 threat of Mayonnaise for health:

The risk of cardiovascular disease

Consume more mayonnaise easily leads to the risk of heart disease and heart attack risk. The fat is in this easy sauce type leads to heart disease and cancer.

The fat is in this easy sauce type leads to heart disease and cancer.

Weight gain

One of the main health effects of mayonnaise is weight gain. Mayonnaise contains high-fat induced increase abdominal measurements.

Not good for diabetics

Should not the consumption of mayonnaise when you getting diabetes because it can increase the amount of sugar you absorbed, making you feel tired and sluggish.

Should not eat when diarrhea

When diarrhea, it is best advised to stay away from foods that contain a lot of oil. Consumption of mayonnaise when diarrhea only in the abdomen you add ì ạch only.

Increased cholesterol

High-fat mayonnaise made of cholesterol in your body increases quickly.

Affect pregnancy

Consumption of mayonnaise during pregnancy makes women crave junk food.

For women who are pregnant to party restrictions to use this spice to avoid the risk of affecting the fetus. Consumption of mayonnaise during pregnancy makes women crave junk food.

Stomach ulcers

When you are suffering from stomach ulcers, should stay away from mayonnaise. The fat in the mayonnaise will only cause an increase in ulcers. This is one of the effects is not good to the health of mayonnaise!

Not good for gout patients

When finalized, it's best to stay away from the fried foods and mayonnaise as it causes increased inflammation in the foot due to containing the high sodium content.=



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