7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neck

The umbilical cord wrapped neck fetus is one of the complications that could co7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neck at any ti7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neck of pregnancy and should be closely monitored to prevent serious consequences can occur. Parents already know the information needed to prepare for this situation?

1. For 3 child was born then have 1 kid being the umbilical cord wrap the neck while lying in the womb

Fact, during pregnancy, umbilical cord twisted situation back then automatically eject pretty popular. Even, according to the study, the incidence of umbilical cord wrap neck fetus occupies more than 50% of the cases of pregnancy, in due ti7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neck in the womb, baby, baby spent quite a lot of ti7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neck "acrobatics".

2. The umbilical cord wrap the neck can be more dangerous than you think

With the umbilical cord wrapped case 1, 2 round and not too tightly wrapped, the fetus can still get enough nourish7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknt from the mother and normal develop7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknt. In contrast, the case of umbilical cord wrap the neck too much ring or umbilical cord too short led kid doesn't get enough nutrients needed are very dangerous. Baby, baby don't get enough nutrients can be light weight, postpartum anemia. More dangerous, she could be pregnant and mortality decline in the womb.

3. Get to know the umbilical cord wrap the fetal neck

The majority of cases the umbilical cord wrap the neck usually is detected thanks to ultrasound.

The majority of cases the umbilical cord wrap the neck usually is detected thanks to ultrasound. Not only knowing the fetus had the umbilical cord being wrapped or not, ultrasound allows the doctor knows how much wrap loops, umbilical cord and dangerous situation. However, the vote is also not so that hovering is!

Parents should regularly monitor the "tung Attorney General" on each of your children. If the baby bike less or more intense normally vote should go to the hospital im7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neckdiately.

4. Caesarean is not the only solution

The students often or caesarean depends pretty much on the level of the liquid or tightly wrap of the umbilical cord. With the case of umbilical cord wrap ring, liquid, elected students often completely without fear of affecting the fetus.

However, these cases often require doctors to carefully, carefully tracking heart rate and fetal activity in the womb. If the pheno7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknon of pinched the placenta or the amount of blood flow to the fetus when the cervix is not yet fully open, will be assigned to surgery took im7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neckdiately.

5. There is no way to prevent this pheno7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknon

Currently, the experts have not yet found any 7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neckasures to prevent the pheno7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknon of fetus umbilical cord being wrapped. In pregnancy, babies, baby moving constantly, unavoidable broken and twisted the umbilical cord.

With the parents elected to have the fetus umbilical cord being wrapped, the amniotic water balance are important, water fluid at least will limit the operation of abortion, prompting the boy hard to "Troubleshoot" the umbilical cord.

6. The case of high risk

The umbilical cord wrapped fetal neck is common pheno7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknon, accounting for more than 1/3 of the number of children being born. However, with the parents elected to have only the number of abnormal fluid water or the umbilical cord too long will risk the umbilical cord wrapped pregnant higher than normal.

7. Vote to note what?

When discovered the fetus umbilical cord being wrapped, I vote should take only regularity connection sessions. This is your chance to update doctors more information about fetal health condition to get ti7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neckly treat7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the necknt. In addition, parents elected should also note unusual changes of honey. The unusual motion, faster or slower, there may be "a 7 things to know about the phenomenon of the umbilical cord wrap the neckssage" to send to parents to warn about the discomfort.=



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