Dirty girl mix trousers stand pipe Welding-style quality poles

The vertical pipe trousers model seems to make you more youthful with the distribution map in the style of South Korea. Combined with high heels, ankle boot, sandal profile vin together shirts or t-shirts will bring to Office girlfriend dynamic style, personality.

The tone color special was also noted in that black, Brown and dark purple color was a top priority.

Along with fashion style is modern and trendy Korean fashion today, the stand-pipe trousers are preferred over all. Because this pants style will create a feeling of long legs and compact physique and delicate than for the wearer.

White shirt and black trousers are always set map "nature" with her work. To the more youthful you can select the type of dynamic guys pants.

Long sleeve shirts with lace or tulle long sleeve is also very suitable mix of the same trousers fall weather in the East. Young girl can f5 style with bright colors such as red, purple pastel to stand and more youthful. Combined with the dual sandal high heels along with the color tones trousers help you create longer legs and feeling that your body also becomes more balanced and high.

Stylized shirt with the little bow tie on the collar as well as suggestions for you. Trousers stood youthful colors always bring the Little Mermaid looks elegant, but still very elegant and charming work.

With the guys shirt designs you can mix together trousers in black or pink highlights. You should also note if the owner of the small feet should not select tight trousers, instead you select the trousers just right, not too tight nor too wide.

A shirt -style collar, no signboard is also suggest suitable for Office girl. With populations stand will help you create a feeling of bigger feet. Fabric you should select the type of soft, somewhat comfortable instead of thick and hard materials.

With trousers you can totally mix together t-shirts. A lazy or oxford shoes shoes will help you stand out more.

Can see the cute pants fit much in shape of the wearer and easier to match most outfits.=



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