Prevention young age old enough to 'love'

Many sisters is sick then go check, but not yet active in preventing the potential risk of disease. Prevention young age old enough to "love"-is the advice of the doctors, dietitians in health to women prepared to step into the age of perimenopausal.

According to the encyclopedia, women age 35 and older, the biosynthesis of pregnenolon in the body leads to decreasing concentrations of estradiol, progesteron faltered. As a result sisters encountering adverse symptoms of nervous, circulatory, and reduced libido. In addition, in many of the sisters appear evidence caught fire, anxiety, poopy, wrinkled skin, arthritis pains, vaginal dryness, burning plenty, erratic menstrual ... These things affect the lives and well-being of families.
To help my sister out, proactive prevention and treatment of the symptoms on the TS, BS in nutrition and A high of ThS, Dr Nair Thu Giang (Deputy Director, Centre for health care of reproduction lighting) will have the following useful tips. physical and health? When the turn of perimenopausal age biosynthesis levels decline, leading to uncertainties about the psychology and health, that expression is lost in sleep or not sleep woke back up, burned, menstrual disorders, dizziness, ringing in the ears, pain in the bone joints. Along with the hormonal changes of ovarian activity, decline, decrease the amount of cholesterol. In addition, genetic factors, living conditions, nutritional condition, psychological instability also affected greatly to my sister when in menopausal stage. Well, doctor in perimenopausal period many sisters wonder when see the body have manifested: sleeplessness, hot, dizzy, headaches, skin wrinkled, dry hair ... so according to doctor the cause and how to fix it? Ths Nguyễn Thu Giang, BS: in perimenopausal period in each of the women have different expressions, there are people who suffer from headaches, insomnia who burned ... is due to the amount of Estrogen decrease leads to inhibition of the brain, while the euphoria intensified because brain causing symptoms caught fire, tensions appear much. So I recommend sisters need periodic examination (6 month) to know about the State of his health to promptly treat and drink mix using food aid and help relieve the symptoms. In addition, the sisters can practice the sport regularly, reduce irritation, before going to sleep massaging the legs gently, soaking feet hot water, exercising, yoga ... will help mentally relaxed and energetic than the body, stimulates sleep.

The product was distributed by medical device company, Lily Address: 2nd floor, building B9, new urban University Kim, Hoang Mai, HanoiHotline: 04 66575 088 Hotline consultants use product: 666 242 04 69



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