Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy food

WDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodt a delicious Chili Garlic vinegar bottles, also the way of processing the housewives that need attention from the choose garlic, chili, vinegar to bottles of vinegar.

WDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodt a delicious Chili Garlic vinegar bottles, also the way of processing the housewives that need attention from the choose garlic, chili, vinegar ...

Selection Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd preliminary processing of garlic

WDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodt real delicious garlic vinegar bottle, you should choose the old garlic, avoid picking garlic. Garlic pickled when Green would be premature. Try peeling tuber found in the crust is thick Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd hard, viscous membrDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foode layer covered garlic, cracked double garlic found a nursery doll in the Middle then is garlic. The old crust garlic bulbs, bars no viscous layer.

Selection Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd preliminary processing of chili

When soaking vinegar peppers, left the chili peppers chose fresh, yet not crushed, stalk or loss shell be grainy.

Should select the peppers just add some natural Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd sweet peppers for chili-flavored vinegar bottle to the bar.

The peppers cleDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy fooded, rinse with salt water to dilute, remove the basket, drained Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd then into glass jugs.

(Depending on the needs you cDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy food soak the raw peppers left, cut thin slices, or pureed).

Glass jugs

Glass jugs to be washed, Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd wipe dry before dipping the peppers. With Chili dip, when left in jugs you remember gently (do not put pepper) then the water soak in the new Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd beautiful.

Vinegar soak

The best is still to use vinegar (vinegar) to soak. Bring vinegar cooked with sugar (1 liter vinegar use 500 g of sugar) to cool.

The way of processing

Pouring the vinegar into glass jugs sugar chili peppers, pickled surface flooding from 3-5 days is used.

Depending on preferences (sour or sweet food) which cDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy food increase reduces the amount of vinegar, sugar.

Every day should the bottle to infuse vinegar is damping. Too 1 week so to vinegar in the refrigerator to keep the raw flavor.

With doing very simple hot peppers vinegar dishes above will help you get more food .

With doing very simple hot peppers vinegar dishes above will help you to bring you more bold new dishes country rustic quality very interesting.

How 2


-Fresh hot peppers



-The road

How to do

-Cook the sugar vinegar in proportion: 1 vinegar: 1 road; 1.5 water, then let it cool. Chopped chili peppers type (if the baby circled the whole result, drop into the brass ice, picked out for the bag Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd then put in the fridge-drawer for vegetables.

-After 6 hour picked out the drain, into the glass jar Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd then vinegar processing inputs.

-Peeled Garlic sliced thin or light for dipping into leave together.

After 5 days to 1 week, you cDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy food use it.

When making this type of vinegar soaked peppers though to long when you eat chili pieces still crunchy. If you let the peppers into the dip without embedded through the ice Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd into the fridge then it would be duct Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd not brittle.

When making this type of vinegar soaked peppers though to long when you eat chili pieces still crunchy.


-When buying peppers, should select the left fresh, yet not crushed, stalk or loss shell be grainy.

-Glass Jugs must be cleDelicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy food Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd dry before dipping the peppers. With Chili dip, when left in jugs you remember gently (do not put pepper) then the water soak in the new Delicious Chili Garlic vinegar DIY for those who like spicy foodd beautiful.=



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