Explain the phenomenon of self on fire

The book documented many phenomenal self on fire

This phenomenon is called people spontaneously caught fire (SHC) is mentioned in the famous book with more mysteries unexplained. Which is the famous novel "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens in 1853, and in the works of Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Washington Irving. To the modern period, SHC appeared in films, television programs like "The X-Files" and "Fantastic Four" comic.

Actually, the term "self on fire" (SHC) has become popular since the 1800 's and has dozens of documents written about the phenomenon of SHC in the novel before 1900.

To date there have been 200 cases in the world is believed to be manually ignited, but the phenomenon has no credible scientific basis.

Mysterious stories about cases of SHC often happen very strangely. But they were dispersed without referring explicitly to the source of fire, or the source of the fire in the nearby can burn people. Moreover, the victims were usually killed by fire was a fire in the hands or legs, while others often burnt in the chest or in the abdomen.

The reason science

A century ago, it is believed that most victims of SHC can drink drunk wine yeast is already saturated with the cells causing the fire. In 1970, some based on Freud's theory explains the SHC is due to people suffering from depression led to the fire. Also the view is that the sunspots, cosmic storms, intestinal bacteria, gas or even the merits of body energy can ignite.

All the explanations on just pseudoscience, and no convincing evidence. The fact the organs of the human body there are 60-70% is water cannot be ignited. If someone actually caught fire when not near fire source would then have to have the victims of SHC occur when swimming or diving. Great song no case like this exist.

After thorough investigation shows many SHC claims is misleading. No less victims of SHC fire both clothing and supplies as well as the surrounding environment. In terms of forensic fire, the fire service can do this perfectly in indoor supplies such as carpets, beds, sofa caught fire spread to the rest of the room and killed the victim.

So far there have been about 10 cases each declared SHC are studied in detail. According to researcher Joe Nickell was analyzed in the book "Real-Life X-Files" that, in all cases it is not a mystery as they say. Most of the victims are elderly, living alone and stay close to the flame (often cigarettes, candles, and open fire) when they die. Some were seen for the last time when drinking alcohol and smoking.

If the person is asleep drunk, sick or unable to walk, then their clothes can act as a wick. Most of these people wear the clothes that contain flammable such as cotton, polyester fibers in a long time. When the body's fat skin secretions associated with the clothing will form a highly flammable fuel at near the fire.

There are also a number of people being declared SHC by mistake with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. In severe cases, the syndrome can cause skin disease when reacted with some drug resistance expansion and reduce pain, caused the severe burns and blisters can cause death for the victim.

If the SHC is a real phenomenon, why it doesn't happen often and common in the billions of people around the world. Even the case is SHC nobody can see or videotape which is usually only happen when near the source of the fire. If there is a natural mechanism then why it also does not occur in other animals such as cow, dog, elephant birds.

However, no scientific evidence existed and that SHC is concluded when the authorities could not find the solution. In 2011, a coroner concluded that Michael Faherty, an Irish solitary, died in his home on March 12, 2010, may be due to self ignite. But the fact the body Faherty was found dead near the fireplace right way.

Some scientists also determined, the autoignition phenomena is the result of the process of electrolysis of surprise when the water in the body is separated into hydrogen and oxygen before burning.

In the year 1800, the famous writer Charles Dicken was very interested in the phenomenon of self burning so much that he was taking "preventive measures" in order to kill a character in the novel "Bleak House" (wild House). The character Krook is a drinker. At the time it was believed that the amount of alcohol in the blood of redundancies is the cause of the phenomenon who caught fire.

In January 1982, researcher Larry Arnold hypothesized about the relationship between the phenomenon of people caught fire and "fire". In theory, this is the path from the force of the Earth passes across the planet; and according to the findings of Arnold, the road running through the site of service "fire" daihyakka-which has more than 400-mile long road, connects the 5 locations has 10 cases of people caught fire in a row during the years from 1852 to 1908.

Some people argue that this phenomenon is related to the supernatural, psychological status, e.g. telepathy, up copper, illusion ...

Meanwhile, the scientists suggest, the autoignition phenomena is similar when we burn candles, and the fire is incendiary sources rather than self body caught fire. Incendiary sources here is probably a cigarette burning embers or a Bureau, a source of fire.

They explain that, one candle included heart candles are surrounded by a layer of wax made from flammable fatty acids. The layer of wax will help tim dull candle fire and keep the flame burning. The human body, similar to the candle, also have a layer of fat as wax, hair or clothes will still be the heart candle.

When the temperature of melting fat, making it seep out into clothing and keep things smoldering fire. This explains why widgets around the victims are rarely affected.

So why the body parts away from the Center as the limbs are usually less compromised? World Science assert that is due to the difference of the temperature of your body-when sitting, the body part temperature is higher than the lower part of the body.

However, the theory was only stopped at the level of speculation, not to have a solid scientific base as well as authentic evidence. Until now, the phenomenon of the fire is still the big question mark in the mysterious treasure of mankind.=



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