The bad habit of 'classics' of the 12 Zodiac

Birch (21.3-19.4)

Getting sick: no

Aries is the first Zodiac ring of destiny, it symbolizes life. They are vivacious, dynamic, creative but highly individual, they have high independence but many when he led independence they become selfish, domineering. They do it all by himself and hardly any attention to perceived by other people.

Aries likes everyone to attention to yourself than to take care of and interest in other people. With this character, they can progress far in the job, but can be damaging to the relationship. So, to fix this bad, Birch should learn to take care of people or other animals. Please take the time to take care of families, who especially with you; raising a pet or planting trees.

Taurus (20.4-20.5)

Getting sick: a mess

Taurus bigotry and love to do. However they do not give their unruly, that believe that simplicity is the wise and tough. Taurus also is the hard, careful, sure but Taurus sick mess. They often threw furniture around, not tidy. For cows, the surrounded his belongings and always in sight to bring back the feeling of peace of mind; but surely will cause them to explode every time to find something.

To cure this, Taurus bad Please arrange yourself a room containing the map; use the hanging hook, wall-price to save area, just neat.

Gemini (21.5-21.6)

Getting sick: or lose focus

Is the generous, open-minded, tactful but Gemini is also a wily perpetrator. The person in the bow or the smart habit now Classifieds Cay section, to get what she wants.

In addition, the dynamism, agility, like the Discovery of the fascinating can you Cay in the conversation; but sometimes, the way that they to you as is "talking to the air" ain't that interesting to me. Gemini is not good at listening to others speak, they often lose focus.

If you encounter such a situation, be silent or behave the same as them. The air deposits down will "awaken" Gemini, pull them back on with the conversation and more attention to what you say.

Cancer (22.6-22.7)

Catch your favorite sweet sickness:

The bad habit of sweet and emotional Cancer is also related to the word "sweet". They like sweets and tend to eat too much sugar. When Cancer eating just because the feeling "sad mouth".

In addition, also Award more which is quite bad ki bo, so mean. They do not intend to abandon the things that they are precious. "Treasures" which is never limited to: from lovers, friends, relatives to the title, position; old photos from the set color to double reclining torn slippers described in. ..

Lion (23.7-22.8)

Getting sick: self, love to be the center of attention

The person in the bow Lion mang in his "blood" of the jungle Lord should they always full of pride and confidence. However, too much confidence when the pathological, brag. Lions love to other people to Italy, lauded by forgetting the cares of other people. So much when you can see them quite worthless, selfish.

To cure this bad, the Lions need to learn to put others up on themselves. Please write a book, blog, diary, talking ... about yourself as a way to comfortably reveal yourself! It would certainly help reduce the Lion pride, spend time talking with other people about these life stories, instead of just talking about yourself.

Virgo (23.8-22.9)

Getting sick: the problem

Those in the Palace of the famous Virgos are global and severe chemical or issue. Set out the criteria to strive as well, but the demanding everything to perfection too will make you suffer from stress. They also pressed themselves must meet the criteria and reasoning or problem-oriented. If you are you a Virgo so, please bring them to join the fun games to relieve stress in the head.

Virgo and profound. They are very sharp and to Italy very carefully though just a small detail. The genus is the worst point li of this supply.

Libra (23.9-22.10)

Getting sick: waste

Characteristics of Libra is like debating, about any problems. However, by this debate interests should Libra is also the most unruly guys.

Libra always liked the balance, harmony and beauty. No surprise whatsoever when their bad habits are also related to the beautiful things. Libra can spend time wandering in the garden for hours a way of wasting time or ready shopping sparkling things. Problem in that, much as they buy the map that just because it ... nice but not really necessary with them.

This routine can bring about financial troubles. So, if you are a Libra, let's make a list of things to buy before shopping and just buy what is recorded in it.

Shennong (23.10-21.11)

Getting sick: sarcastic

A Shallow powerful Gods, mysterious, fascinating and very emotional but also be "sarcastic" in humans. People in this hate for the betrayal and once were once deceived, it doesn't believe in them the second time again or have the right to also challenge very much. Shennong love or hate are very deep and intense, "love then love immensely that hate is also endlessly". However, the "sarcastic" will make their own more tired and annoyed and affect the improvement of the relationship.

Regularly massaged to spiritual comfort, reduce the anger with himself from that gentler with others. Shennong should bear rewrite the mood of the day as a way to relieve feelings.


Getting sick: straight as horse intestines

Sagittarius very moving. They can't stand or sit still a spot, that always want to run away. Which enjoyed the change in life, they cruise enthusiast, du. Hankering amorous, explore new things cause codes or easily bored with what was already there.

Sagittarius fun, vivacious and friendly in communication, but has challenged the "straight as horse intestines". Sometimes they just indifferent reviews, reviews on someone, that problem without attention to the feelings of the enemy. The best way to fix this bad is learning how to communicate skillfully from experienced people, through books or attend courses in the arts.

Capricornus (22.12-19.1)

Getting sick: Ham the pity the

Can say Ma is man's work. They love to get rich and make money mesmerized. With them, seemed to stop working the minute seconds would be poor seconds seconds. They can do this repeatedly for several hours, do so now and do many things at once. However, the work that forget to rest and take care of his health is not good.

Join the charity as a way of relaxing and also the work; or reading newspapers, magazines to get information, just rest.

Aquarius (20.1-18.2)

Getting sick: Too independent

Aquarius is intelligent, friendly but when independence too. They liked the space, freedom and personal. This personality sometimes makes Aquarius become tough, cold in the eyes of others, especially new people. However, in some cases, the cold, mysterious back should charm for people in this Palace.

The best cure is to find people close to you gradually learn to let other people step into his life. For the relatives, Said Binh didn't cold like in appearance.

PISCES (18.2-20.3)

Getting sick: addicted to alcoholic drinks

PISCES was intelligent, astute, compassionate, full of cute. Is the fish live in water, Pisces has love endlessly with water; even their bad habits are also related to the liquid. PISCES is the Zodiac has the biggest alcohol addiction tendencies.

To cure the habit using many alcoholic beverages depends very much on the will of the main Pisces. Let sit meditation or yoga to have a healthy body and spirit at ease, discerning the Mermaid!=



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