4 how to bathe at home for smooth white skin

White bath with papaya, honey

In the papaya contains so many vitamins, including vitamin B1 and vitamin C help white cells up quickly. Papaya fruit is not expensive but has many uses for beauty, especially full body skin whitening. The combine papaya and honey form a perfect blend for the bath. You can use this method every day because it made white but not disrupting the lesion or skin abrasion.

White bath with rice bran and technology

From the ancient rice bran was considered esoteric remedy to the Qin Palace u.s.a. female full body skin. This is a method of beauty ' natural goodness ' for the woman's skin. In addition, the technology also has the effect of taking away the dead cells, restricting the penetrating black pigment on the skin. Combining technology and rice bran is a perfect way for the bath white skin effectively, safe. However, you should not use this mixture daily that should only used about 2 times a week. This will avoid the skin you will suffer erosion and pimples.

White bath using vinegar and brown sugar

The two raw materials are easy to make and works very effective skin whitening. Acidic vinegar help ' purge ' white skin quite fast, sugar has antiseptic effects, exfoliation and firming the skin. However you also note do not abuse too much vinegar in the skin whitening. To mix the vinegar with the appropriate rate. Moreover, when the sunshine sisters also notes wear sunblock because white vinegar making pretty skin by making the catch.

White bath with water wash the rice, carrot and cucumber

Just wash the rice water, have a lot of work for beauty, for skin whitening is. Carrots are very high in vitamin B1 component, accounting for about 4% of the amount of substance, this is a critical component to help smooth and white skin. When the water wash the rice, carrots and cucumbers combined, you will have a smooth white skin naturally. Because of whitening ingredients rice, carrots combined with vitamin C and panthonic acid helps smooth skin in the cucumber.=



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