A 6-year-old girl has chest pain, an unusually large first round because of the habit that 99% of mothers do with their children

During a recent month, Ms. Wang (the name of the character was changed) - a mother in Shandong was worried and confused when her 6-year-old daughter often cried and told her mother that chest pain. When looking closely, Wang was even more alarmed when she saw that her first round was unusually large, showing signs of growth.

Her daughter is just over 5 years old this year but has flattered, bigger than her peers. She said, to avoid premature puberty, she always pays attention to balancing nutrition for her baby, refusing to feed her fast food, using tonic on her own, even vegetables and fruits are awake every season. , absolutely do not use genetically modified food.

The result, after taking her daughter to the local Children's Hospital, surprised her: the reason why her daughter woke up soon turned out to be due to the habit of turning on the bed lamp all night of the family.

According to the doctor, in the startling harms of sleeping lights with babies, causing puberty early is a matter of concern.

Turning on the light when sleeping makes children wake up early

For a long time, because of the need to work at night and also to observe the baby, Wang always turned on the night light. Unbelievably young mother, this act harmed the little girl.

During the day, light stimulates the body to grow by secreting estrogen hormone. When children go to bed at night, in the dark, the body releases a hormone called "melatonin", which plays a key role in regulating the body's hormonal levels, inhibiting growth to prevent its rapid growth, help the body balance.

So if you go to the mother room, you still turn on the light, the light will continue to make your body produce the hormone estrogen when the girl sleeps, which causes her to develop, early puberty.

The fact that the girl is less than 8 years old and her breasts have developed; before the age of 9 years, hair grew in the armpit and around the private area; before 10 years of age had menstruation . now is not rare. That is the sign of early puberty. Many parents believe that early puberty does not affect them, but in fact, early puberty has many quite serious harms such as:

Effects of height: At the beginning of sexual development, children often excel, but the long bones are quickly reinforced, leading to early growth stops. As a result, children are below their genetic capacity.

Potential risk of breast cancer: Investigation of doctor Trinh Y Nam (Dean of Early Diagnosis puberty, Children's Hospital of Trung Nam University, China) over 1,000 girls showed that children with menstruation The risk of breast cancer before 12 years of age is 2.2 times higher than normal growth.

Children who sleep under the light are more likely to suffer from slow depression

In addition, turning on the night light regularly also affects children's health such as:

Children have a weaker immune system

Many studies have shown that babies who get enough sleep and sleep deeply in non-light conditions will produce twice as much anti-viral antibodies as other babies.

Therefore, in order for children to have good resistance, mothers should ensure that at night when they sleep, they will not be exposed to strong light. The best way is that the mother should not light the lamp all night, but should put a small lamp beside the bed to wake up.

Influence on children's vision

Turning on lights when sleeping affects children's visual development. A long sleep under conditions of light will still be detrimental to the child's visual development.

When the baby sleeps, the eyelashes will close and the inner eyes are completely relaxed. But if you sleep under the light of the night light, still stimulating the light, your baby's eyes will continue to function and your muscles will not get enough rest.

Night light makes children grow slowly

When sleeping, the baby's body continues to release growth hormones, even some hormones increase the height for the most secreted children at night. Turning on the light does not only make a baby's sleep deep, but also hinders the release of these hormones. The decrease in growth hormone levels will slow the growth rate, affecting the normal metabolism of newborns.

Increased risk of cancer

According to Dr Joyce Walsleben, associate professor at New York University School of Medicine, "Light inhibits the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that naturally promotes sleep. Even if you fall asleep, the light still passes through your eyelids and the brain will not produce melatonin if it confuses day and night. '

Increased risk of obesity

Night lights increase the risk of obesity. A team of experts at Ohio State University (USA) tested night light affecting weight, obesity and the amount of sugar (the underlying cause of secondary diabetes) above. mouse body. They found that opening lights at sleep even with little light was the cause of all three.



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