His reduction of pesticides in vegetables extreme efficiency

Vegetables often have pesticide residues because the leaves of the vegetable is soft, more water, the types of worms, insects like to eat so when grown to spray more pesticides to protect.

Herbs have fewer pesticides because of essential oils in this vegetable is a natural insect repellent.

Pests are very fond of beans, chives should usually be spraying many pesticides, including many pesticides have highly clan.

His reduction of pesticides in vegetables of extremely efficient.

Cucumbers, tomatoes due to large development environment humidity ease born sick, so much bacteria fungicides. Compared with bactericidal drugs, pesticides and fungi cause harm to the body.

There are a number of types of fruit inside the damaged but the outside is still fresh due to the use of chemical preservatives, so have to watch carefully before buying.

The markets can detect chemicals in vegetables by simply shit and dip into the water. If smell smell foul and then quickly which left residue of pesticides.

Simple methods to help mitigate pesticide:

1. Soak the vegetables in clean water for about 5-10 minutes to wash or use the new water wash the rice to soak, the aim to neutralize computer toxins in pesticides.

2. Use 5% salt water rinse vegetables.

3. Cucumber, eggplant or the fruit kind of insecticide concentrate is best washed, Peel outside dinner.

4. Heated at high temperatures also make pesticides resolution, some heat-resistant vegetables such as cauliflower, vegetables need ... after washed, blanched 2 minutes in hot water by making the amount of pesticides declined 30%., then cooked at high temperatures, so will purge the exception is 90% of the pesticides.

5. The Sun makes the amount of pesticides on vegetables is broken, resolution. To vegetable under the Sun for 5 minutes, the amount of pesticide remnants on vegetables as organic mercury, organic chlorine reduction was about 60%.

7. When you go to buy vegetables, choose fresh vegetables, integrity, not scratched, suffering from droopy, fuse, or stick the strange substance, shaped outside the normal, natural-colored, crispy, heavy grip hand.

8. Avoid buying vegetables peeled and chopped, soaked in addition to water source because markets don't ensure hygiene dipping or immersing the hazardous chemicals to keep white, brittle, the vitamins inherent in fresh vegetables such as vitamins C, prone to dissolved and lost in water to soak.

Please apply the simple ways that effective on here to no longer concerned pesticides or toxic substances contained in your moment!=



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