'Pretty' things to note when eating Balut

1. When to eat?

To avoid indigestion and flatulence, best we should eat eggs in the morning.

2. how much to eat?

Eat more Balut each day could be the cause of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes "Pretty" things to note when eating Balutllitus. 

Eat more Balut each day could be the cause of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes "Pretty" things to note when eating Balutllitus. If eating a regular also causes excess vitamin A causes make jaundice, skin peeling, bad influence to bone formation. Therefore, each healthy adults should eat only the best 3 results of each week.

3. Eat the sa"Pretty" things to note when eating Balut order

Persicaria also has the effect of making eye bright, handy location, strong tendons Costa, cold, heatstroke. Dovậy, the vegetables knotweed with Balut helps balance yin and Yang for the body and helps people eat cold not cramps, flatulence, to avoid digestive problems.

4. Eat Balut will gain weight

Those who are in need of weight loss then will have to dish out the brick food favorites.

5. Who should not eat or should eat Balut less:

Children under 5 years of age should not eat Balut by the digestive system of the baby was not developing the perfect, easy lead to Zhang abdominal, digestive disorders, very harmful to health. Children from 5 years of age if fed Balut only should feed 1/2 each, 1 to 2 ti"Pretty" things to note when eating Baluts per week is enough (1/2 duck egg flipped the equivalent of 4-5 quail egg roll).

Pregnant wo"Pretty" things to note when eating Balutn should eat two every week week but should not eat two at a ti"Pretty" things to note when eating Balut. Must re"Pretty" things to note when eating Balutmber that she elected to eat Balut is really eating less or knotweed or not eat because the knotweed is harmful for the fetus.

People with high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, fatty liver, heart disease, gout ... should abstain because Balut can clog arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Selecting and boiled duck egg roll yummy pole

Select the Balut

To Balut egg is delicious, the "Pretty" things to note when eating Balutdium (usually eggs incubated from 18-20 July is delicious). You should ask the seller choose it if not yet experienced.

The first sign to identify immature egg is your feeling, you hold the eggs on hand. If feeling heavy egg then the news is that eggs are still fresh, and the egg would light then it is already old eggs, you should not select.

Next up, when choosing to buy Balut, you take the eggs up the strong light and space inside the egg. If you see gaps in width then it is eggs, in contrast if the miniature space then that is the young fresh Balut.

If the seller allows, you release the number of eggs you choose to dilute salt water in brass. Balut fresh berries will sink down to broken eggs, for too long will float sluggish on the water.

The first sign to identify immature egg is your feeling, you hold the eggs on hand. If feeling heavy egg then the news is that eggs are still fresh, and the egg would light then it is already old eggs, you should not select.

Prepared pots, dishes with Balut as persicaria, sliced ginger, salt, pepper, lemon, chili peppers, ...

How to boil eggs

Put the eggs into the pot (with arbitrary number), pour the water flooded the eggs (should not pour too much water or too little water, eggs not cooked before, shallow pot)

Put salt on purpose to nine eggs without breaking the shell

Sim"Pretty" things to note when eating Balutr about 5 minutes the water will boil, then turn heat to low heat evenly are more tasty eggs for 15 minutes. Should not eat boiled eggs, soggy will ease colic.

For the egg has boiled a few minutes more carefully so the old will do the eggs taste better ....

Salt mix

For 1 tablespoon of white salt and pepper at least grind mix well, squeeze the lemon, add a bit of pepper and several ginger slices will help the dish more delicious Balut.

This dish is eaten with very order. Suitable for the evening with rain, cool air, if there are a few cups of rice wine, the better a lot.

Wish you all the deliciousness.=



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