Anaphylaxis because eating ... rươi

A small shock pads

This is the case of the patient, 33 years old From T P.M. Liem, Hanoi, an emergency Center in antitrust, Bach Mai HOSPITAL in Hanoi, in a State of severe difficulty breathing, whole body edema, rash, nausea, dizziness, difficulty speaking, drop in blood pressure. According to patients, due to a history of allergy to some strange food so when home made rươi ball, the patient has to eat "very dè places", only a small piece. After about 10 minutes, patients find the tongue, lip numbness, then suffering the feeling of numbness spread to the whole body. Despite trying to induce vomiting, but just less than 30 minutes after eating, patients with shortness of breath and dizzy, can't go back.

The treatment for the patient in the center of virulent hospital, Bach Mai. Photo: Tran Minh

More fortunate patient P.M., Ms. V.T.T. H, 30 years in Language Manager, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, after eating fried rươi see feeling itchy, red rash and diarrhea were family rushed into emergency 354 troops BV. Also on Ms. h. emergency, BV 354 troops also received two more American are "victims" of rươi poisoning.

Most recently on November 21, the Centre of antitrust, Bach Mai HOSPITAL receiving patients T.L. L, age 22 in Thach, Hanoi. Due to ever be rươi poisoning many years ago should L. totally "cạch" dish of delicious specialties considered this famous tonic. Go eat a birthday friend, l. ball rươi dish is ideal grilled pork usually should remove delectable dining. Until the discovery of pieces "grilled pig" has instrumental is also swollen face at l., eye swelling, vomiting and difficulty breathing up híp. L. emergency drop in blood pressure, cold shivering body, difficulty breathing, tests found the blood condensed because of dehydration caused by vomiting and go out too much.

To the hospital as soon as abnormal signs

Exchange with REPORTER on the afternoon of November 25, TS. Date Due, Director of the Center Against poison, Bach Mai HOSPITAL said: Rươi are the foods rich in protein, protein in meat rươi have many other substances with the protein in pork, the beef should be easy to cause allergies. When eating rươi, the body will absorb the amount of protein as a raw, infuse into the intestines, into the blood, causing the reaction for the body. In addition, to preserve rươi be long, many people or the restaurant, usually preserved in the refrigerator rươi. The preservation of cold, not the right process, sanitary can render rươi infected with the bacteria's toxin, of which the most common is Staphylococcus toxins that cause diarrhea.

Emergency Department for patients at the Centre of antitrust, Bach Mai HOSPITAL. Photo: TM

TS. Date Due warning: If after eating rươi appearance of symptoms such as rash, rash, numbness of the tongue, the region may be the mouth, or numbness of the face, limbs; the patient may also experience vomiting, go outside; severe cases can drop blood pressure, respiratory failure, cardiac failure, coma, loss of consciousness ... should take the patient immediately to the nearest hospital to be an emergency. By rươi poisoning symptoms may appear from from after a few hours or half a day after eating, but also the Max level instances, symptoms of poisoning appear after eating about 30 minutes, causing anaphylaxis reactions and patients can quickly fatal if not timely emergency. People who have a history of allergies to certain foods rich in protein such as seafood, pupa ... should avoid eating rươi. Especially after the poisoning will once heavy and dangerous than times before by poisoning the body reacts with a hetero poisonous raw so people need to be cautious when eating the strange food.=



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