Things to know about dengue fever before it's too late

Dengue fever is an infectious disease dangers have not yet got a backup văcxin.

Dengue fever is an infectious disease hazards prevention văcxin yet, no specific drug treatment. Hemorrhage caused by Dengue virus, should be referred to the correct name is Dengue fever in order to distinguish them from other hemorrhage, because there are so many diseases have symptoms onset and progress similar to Dengue fever.

Dengue fever usually starts with a sudden high fever, lasting from 2-7 days, accompanied by headache, loss of appetite, nausea, pain, muscle pain, joint pain, skin blood pulse, can have a colon hemorrhage under the skin, bleeding tooth or nosebleeds. Cases of progress, patients heavier than adamant, li packs, fraud đừ, abdominal pain due to liver, multiple mucosal hemorrhage, nausea, at least. Severe cases, patients suffer shock, or severe bleeding, organ failure, or possibly death.

Hemorrhage caused by Dengue virus with pathogenic biotype 4 is written as D1, D2, D3, D4. All four of these disease-causing biotype met in Vietnam and rotation cause the epidemic. Immune due to be formed after the patient only has specific properties for each biotype for so people can infected dengue fever a second or third by the different shape.

How to handle

The best treatment is to take the patient immediately to the nearest medical facility as soon as the sick to be doctors diagnose and monitor. Doctors who decide what treatment at home or in the hospital, depending on the progress of each patient.

Note that if the patient is in treatment decision, you need to listen carefully and do the right words said by the doctor on how to care for and monitor at home for early detection when the patient has signs of turning heavy.The dangers of hemorrhagic fever:

The disease has not had drug treatment and preventive vaccine yet. Often cause large outbreaks with more people stuck at the same time makes the task difficult treatment, can be fatal to children, causing major economic damage, society.

Characteristics of mosquitoes transmitting dengue fever:

-Mosquito has black, and the legs have white spots usually called midges.

-The burning of the midges during the day, the most powerful is burning in the early morning and evening.

-Permanent midges in the corner/dark, rusting on clothes, blankets, rope and exposure in the home.

-Midges lay their eggs, fertility in the pond, puddle or container of clean water in and around the home such as hot water, chum, pint, lu, khạp, wells, tree holes ... the object or map scrap contains water as flowers, bowl of water statistics, tires, kitchen cabinet coconut shell ... Midges thrive in the rainy season, when the average monthly temperatures exceed 20 º C.

Expression of the disease:

-Mild disease Can:

Sudden high fever 39-40 degrees C, lasts 2-7 days, fever.

Intense headache in the forehead, behind the eyeball.

Chance rash, rash.

-Be serious illness:

Include the markings on the attachment to one or more of the following signs:

-Hemorrhagic signs

Dot skin hemorrhages, nosebleeds, bleeding tooth, the injection spot bruises, nausea/vomiting of blood, black stool toilet (due to internal haemorrhage).

Abdominal pain, nausea, cold limbs, people adamant, panic (stun syndrome due to internal hemorrhage caused bleeding, fall in blood pressure), if not timely treatment emergency and can lead to death.=



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