The fruit bitter has the ability diarrheal treatment of extremely good

Bitter melon contains a combination of vitamin enriched

If giving vitamin in comparison with bitter luffa acutangula often clearly bitter contains many vitamins and minerals. Nutritional components of your suffering through calculated according to g%: 0.9 protide, glucid 3, 1.1 cellulose and according mg%: calcium 18, phosphor, iron, carotene 0.6 29 40, vitamin B1 and vitamin C 22 0.07.

Medium bitter fruit is delicious and is also a useful healing drugs.

In my agony over having a bitter glycosid called momordicin and vitamins B1, C, amino acid, betain adenin as ... The seeds contain an oil substance and a bitter substance. Excel is the vitamins A, B1, B2, C, iron, calcium, potassium, ...

These vitamins help strengthen, consolidate and improve the immune system. They participated actively in the process of preventing and repelling disease, limiting the risk of diseases related to inflammation or infection due to the implications of the decline of immune system triggers.

According to Oriental medicine, bitter weldability, bitter taste, non toxic, if used regularly will help reduce the skin disease, make smooth cheeks. According to modern medicine, bitter had the effect of killing bacteria and viruses against cancer cells; aid for cancer patients are cured by radiation rays.

In addition, bitter still the pharmacological effects of the following:

-Anti free radicals-causes of aging and cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, blood lipid disorders, nerve damage, inflammation of the urinary tract, diabetes ...

-Increased oxygen glucose, preventing the absorption of glucose into the cells. Inhibit active the ferment glucose.

-Have the same biological effects of insulin, which helps the body to increase secretion of insulin, which is very good for diabetics form 2.

In particular, the bitter effective diarrhea treatment

-In case of diarrhea use the leaves of the bitter as a drug treatment to treat diarrhea. However, this only applies to cases of mild diarrhea.

-Bitter 60 g, 60 g carrots, add pepper spices sautéed to fire. Eaten on 2 times. If children should only eat once a day.

-Flowers, leaves, and roots of suffering through work trj diarrhea: use cooking roots drink; per 30 g sharp roots drink with white sugar (also used by the treatment of capital).

Not only that, there are lots of dishes made from melon: cooked with shrimp, lean pork; suffering through security; cleaning with minced meat; pickled; make mannequin; Fried, poached, eaten alive do cool cuisine, anti-inflammatory. Suffering through the mechanism of drinking tea was also very good.

So, let's processing, used to get these delicious dishes as well as get the actionable effective from bitter!=



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